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原标题:Database joins / FK - basic questions
  • 时间:2011-01-12 19:02:47
  •  标签:
  • database

There are 2 tables A & B. Each has say 10 colums. Table A has 8 columns as FK to other tables. Table B uses enums and std colunms without any FK.

  • So which table is faster / better to use?
  • If i do any action with table A, i assume I only have to touch colunms I am relating the action too and do not have to join all the 10 FK tables even if i only need 1 FK colunm?
  • If i do need to perform any action on a FK, like write, update or delete a value, do i need to join to the parent table?
  • If i understand correctly, EAV model is better than a expanded colunm table because if i need to display two text from the table then i need to use a inner join for the colunm table for for a EAV table i can use a regular select only with no join?
  1. 仅对少数价值观,如果价值数额没有变化,国家环境论坛就能够更快,空间也较少。 然而,为了在以后添加可能的价值,你需要改变整个表格,因为这个表格不是好的。 表1 在多数情况下,选择较好。

  2. 仅请您与所需要表格一同填写表A。

  3. 无,除非你改变PK,否则你只能修改含有这一价值的表格。 不过,你应当设计你表格,以便不经常需要改变PK,即使用人工PK(自动加固是完美的)。 甚至国家也不再存在或更改名称......

  4. 您无需加入。 然而,加入钥匙的速度非常快......这是关系数据库所牵涉的内容,是它们强有力的点。

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