English 中文(简体)
• 如何建立国际房联,以便其能够以超文本处理购买力平价代码
原标题:how to setup IIS so that it can process PHP code in HTML pages
  • 时间:2011-01-11 20:38:34
  •  标签:
  • php
  • html
  • iis



Steps to Install PHP on IIS

  1. Open your browser to PHP for IIS Windows Download Page and download the PHP non-thread-safe zip package.
  2. Download the WinCache extension from the List of Windows Extensions for PHP.
  3. Extract all files in the PHP .zip package to a folder of your choice, for example C:PHP.
  4. Extract the WinCache .zip package to the PHP extensions folder (ext), for example C:PHPext. The WinCache .zip package contains one file (Php_wincache.dll).
  5. Open Control Panel, click System and Security, click System, and then click Advanced system settings.
  6. In the System Properties window, select the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.
  7. Under System variables, select Path, and then click Edit.
  8. Add the path to your PHP installation folder to the end of the Variable value, for example; C:PHP. Click OK.
  9. Open IIS Manager, select the hostname of your computer in the Connections panel, and then double-click Handler Mappings.
  10. In the Action panel, click Add Module Mapping.
  11. In Request path, type *.php.
  12. From the Module menu, select FastCgiModule.If you don t find CGI Module follow the below steps. How to Enable FastCgiModule? Step 1: Go to Control PanelProgramsPrograms and Features and click on Turn windows features on or off Step 2: Go to Internet Information servicesWorld Wide Web ServicesApplication Development Features check/enable the CGI and press okay to apply the changes. Step 3:After enabling FASTCGI module IIS server should be restarted. enter image description here
  13. In the Executable box, type the full path to Php-cgi.exe, for exampleC:PHPPhp-cgi.exe.
  14. In Name, type a name for the module mapping, for example FastCGI.
  15. Click OK.
  16. Select the hostname of your computer in the Connections panel, and double-click Default Document.
  17. In the Action panel, click Add. Type Index.php in the Name box, and then click OK.
  18. Click Add again. Type Default.php in the Name box, and then click OK. enter image description here enter image description here
  19. After adding IIS server should be restarted.

To test your PHP installation 1. Open a text editor, for example Notepad, as Administrator. 2. In a new file, type the following text: 3. Save the file asC:inetpubwwwrootPhpinfo.php. 4. Open a browser and enter the following URL: http://localhost/phpinfo.php


set up PHP on IIS as normal and then map .htm/html isapi extension to use PHP executable. To do this, first right-click on "Web Sites" in the left-hand menu and select "Properties". Here you can change your ISAPI extensions. Find the htm and html extensions and change executable to the same as .php-extension.

是的。 你们必须加上从别处分离出来的异构体。 你在贵网站的财产窗口上这样做

为IIS安装PHP的最佳途径是Web PI。 保证你们会得到国际住户抽样调查公司支持的最新PHP安装器,并确保安装正确配置。

然后,为了以最简单的方式将你的PHP安装与IIS7+相混淆,你可使用PHP管理人。 http://phpmanager.codeplex.com/documentation"rel=“nofollow”>walk through。 最后, PHP 管理人员可以轻松地帮助你管理并改变不同的项目组合设施,发现项目组合中的错误或不一致之处。

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