I have a formpanel, within this formpanel I have another tabpanel in which again form elements are placed that are part of the formpanel. Nothing spectacular. Basically a formpanel with some "subforms" each contained in a tab in a tabpanel.
现在,当用户在工具栏中点击一个纽子时,我添加了代码,使每个次形/表解体。 但是,为了证实残疾表上的所有表象,我还需要单独区分表层中的每一表层,以便在提交时能够验证。
That s when the trouble begins. Suppose in one of the tabs/subforms i have a fieldset with another nested fieldset. How can i fetch all xtype:field elements contained in the tab/subform?
因此,无论在组成部分等级的深度如何,基本上什么是一米的要求? 如果采用一种方法收集所有的儿童成分,那么就很容易将他们 lo为.,而残疾则真正从Ext.isXType(外地)返回,但是,如果提到含有成分的子伴侣,那么我就没有办法收集所有的子伴侣。