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原标题:Extjs3 Component hierarchy - fetch all child components


I have a formpanel, within this formpanel I have another tabpanel in which again form elements are placed that are part of the formpanel. Nothing spectacular. Basically a formpanel with some "subforms" each contained in a tab in a tabpanel.

现在,当用户在工具栏中点击一个纽子时,我添加了代码,使每个次形/表解体。 但是,为了证实残疾表上的所有表象,我还需要单独区分表层中的每一表层,以便在提交时能够验证。

That s when the trouble begins. Suppose in one of the tabs/subforms i have a fieldset with another nested fieldset. How can i fetch all xtype:field elements contained in the tab/subform?

因此,无论在组成部分等级的深度如何,基本上什么是一米的要求? 如果采用一种方法收集所有的儿童成分,那么就很容易将他们 lo为.,而残疾则真正从Ext.isXType(外地)返回,但是,如果提到含有成分的子伴侣,那么我就没有办法收集所有的子伴侣。



var componentsArray = container.findByType( component );

Or even this

var componentsArray = container.findBy(function(c) {return true});


但应指出的是,这不会在<编码>tbar 、bbar <>/code>、buttons 特性Ext.Panel descendands内交还部件。


<><>Edit>/strong> 参看Mchl的回答。 我对“Ext”文件中的错误感到误导。

页: 1

cascade( Function fn, [Object scope], [Array args] ) : Ext.Container

Cascades down the component/container heirarchy from this component (called first), calling the specified function with each component. The scope (this) of function call will be the scope provided or the current component. The arguments to the function will be the args provided or the current component. If the function returns false at any point, the cascade is stopped on that branch.


var children = [];
this.cascade(function(cmp) {
  if (cmp.isXType( field )) {


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