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原标题:How to create basic "fog of war" effect in Actionscript 3?

所有这一切。 我是一帆风顺的游戏。 你的特性被安置在600x800的平坐区,你可以使用arrow钥匙走近(8条方向)。 游戏的目的是避免敌人吃饭。

To make the game more interesting, I want to create a "fog of war" effect, so you can t see the entire map, but rather, only a small area around your character. I m thinking of keeping things very basic, what I m looking for is the entire map to be blacked out, but a "circle of visibility" around your character. Like this:

alt text

当然,随着参与者走在地图上,可见度的圈子会与他站在一起。 如果存在障碍,当参与者转向他们时,他们就会“认为”。

我不敢肯定,从哪里开始落实这一特点。 我用行动稿3发言,真的会赞赏你帮助我提出如何执行的想法。 谢谢!


你们希望把“男性”应用到你的视觉上。 然后,随着贵族的特性的改变,你需要经常更新该掩体的特性。 应当直截了当。

See this tutorial oniddens for more.

EDIT I realized I gave you a Flex example of using masks. It seems you are are trying to do this with Flash. The concept still applies... you want a mask. See this example or something similar for doing it in Flash.



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