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I collected cnosdb trace through jaeger, and found by building a table that the execution plan collected was for query. Is there a problem?

I collected cnosdb trace information through jaeger, and found by building a table that the execution plan collected was for query. Is there a problem? I modify the configuration information according to the official document, as follows:

auto_generate_span = false
jaeger_agent_endpoint =  http://localhost:14268/api/traces 
max_concurrent_exports = 2
max_queue_size = 4096

Then pull up the 3mta 2data cluster through the official script, as follows:

bash run_cluster.sh

Then create a table by writing to the data interface, as follows:

curl -i -u "root:" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "uber-trace-id: 3a3a43:432e345:0:1" -XPOST "" -d "CREATE TABLE air (visibility DOUBLE,temperature DOUBLE,presssure DOUBLE,TAGS(station));"

Finally, check the trace through jaegerUI, as follows:

Limit: skip=0, fetch=5 [time:Timestamp(Nanosecond, None), database:Utf8;N, host:Utf8;N, node_id:Utf8;N, tenant:Utf8;N, user:Utf8;N, value:UInt64;N]
  Sort: user_queries.time DESC NULLS FIRST [time:Timestamp(Nanosecond, None), database:Utf8;N, host:Utf8;N, node_id:Utf8;N, tenant:Utf8;N, user:Utf8;N, value:UInt64;N]
    Projection: user_queries.time, user_queries.database, user_queries.host, user_queries.node_id, user_queries.tenant, user_queries.user, user_queries.value [time:Timestamp(Nanosecond, None), database:Utf8;N, host:Utf8;N, node_id:Utf8;N, tenant:Utf8;N, user:Utf8;N, value:UInt64;N]
      TableScan: user_queries [time:Timestamp(Nanosecond, None), database:Utf8;N, host:Utf8;N, node_id:Utf8;N, tenant:Utf8;N, user:Utf8;N, value:UInt64;N]

Isn t this the execution plan of the query? Is there a problem with the collected information?



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