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What is slack websocket payload after you receive Hello message?

I m doing everything in here:


I get my:


hello message on the web socket connection. Then I want to use that connection not to receive events, but to post as a specific user with a user token.

I ve tried various payloads like:

  message := map[string]string{}
  message["type"] = "message"
  message["channel"] = channel
  message["app_id"] = s.AppId
  message["user_id"] = user
  message["text"] = "test123"
  message["token"] = token
  asBytes, _ = json.Marshal(message)

but there doesn t seem to be any docs on how to send a message as a user over web sockets or set their presence. My goal being:

How to get the green dot to turn on for slack user from API POST to users.setPresence?


There is no way to do this with their Socket Mode system. You can receive events from the web socket connections, but you cannot post as a user or set the user to online. The only way to do this would be cookie auth and actually run a browser with the user logged in.

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