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原标题:Edit and continue feature stopped working in Visual Studio 2010

The Visual Studio Edit and Continue feature stopped on Visual Studio 2010, and I don t know what has caused the problem.

我正在利用C#实施一个Windows应用方案。 这一应用最初是在2008年演播室视学中开发的,后来升级到2010年视觉演播室。



Edits were made which cannot compiled. Execution cannot continue until the compile errors are fixed.






互联网研究显示,这是向微软公司报告的一个骗局。 以下链接有更详细的资料:


解决办法探索者认为,每个参考文献的正确点是选择财产。 在财产方面,将“Fale”指向“Embed Interop”型号。 这为我工作。

我有一些Excel文档“嵌入式通用型号”=真实。 当我改写为假人、假人并继续工作时。

我昨天和之后都使用Microsoft的简介,我的“Edit和继续”特征消失。 我最后是在几个小时的挫折感之后实现的。 指挥部门的全球指挥迅速并重新启用我的计算机。 现在我有我的埃德特,今后继续。 它与目标平台毫无关系。 它与任何无 has的万国邮联建立的目标平台合作。

我理解这一职位是老的,但我很晚才有这个问题,这个网站blog post 这表明我是如何固定的。

  • Delete the obj folder
  • Delete the bin folder. You can copy and paste libraries, data files, etc...back to the folder after removal.
  • From VS, menu Solutions -> Clean solution.



  • Sometimes just closing and reopening the solution works, but when that doesn t
  • restarting Visual Studio (Close solution, exit Visual Studio, Re-open Visual Studio, re-open solution, re-try debugging with Edit & Continue) fixes it.

就我的情况而言,我没有哪一种通用型号,而且我的任何法典都没有“<代码>dnamic关键词,而且我没有成功就做了充分的清理。 然而,我一直在进行、缩编和多次重新启动,因此,它可能有一些与记忆有关的东西——它把视觉演播室用了超过一分钟的时间,在此期间,磁盘正在消失(假定记忆在玩)。

I d try cleaning out all the files that are generated by VS. So I d delete the bin and obj directories and I d also delete the *.suo and *.user files. Since those files are auto-generated this shouldn t affect anything (though I d obviously make a backup of all files just in case there s some other files that have been put in there by mistake).


我尝试了所有上述解决办法,但都没有为我工作。 然而,当我在视力演播室中删除了双目和物体夹并再次运行时,它开始工作。


如果该项目依靠的是自己的文本,那么你可以开脱和继续。 在警告清单中,如果是问题的原因,你可能(很可能在较大项目中)与进口类型信息发生冲突。

与VS2017社区合作 我有这一加重问题:如果你把现有的项目运到一起,标签Embed InteropTypes可能就没有。 csproj档案,搜索无用。 如果是这样的话,在财产组Debugx86(或不管你使用哪里)的末尾加上tag子,然后由文字编辑组成:


  <PropertyGroup Condition="  $(Configuration)|$(Platform)  ==  Debug|x86  ">


  <PropertyGroup Condition="  $(Configuration)|$(Platform)  ==  Debug|x86  ">


In VS2013 I had to enable "Use Managed Compatibility Mode" in the debugging options. I think it is because I have a .Net 4 project referencing a .Net 2 assembly.


In Visual Studio 2015, I ve deleted the .vs folder (where the new style .suo file is), deleted all bin and obj, and also uninstalled Resharper 2015. Edit and Continue is back.

(除注:目前,英特尔公司几乎瞬时显示汽车残割,而在此之前,它只剩2至5秒钟,可能是 res的过失,也可能无关......)

For me this was caused by Nuget failing to download a package (built for Net Framework) to a Net Standard project that was being referenced. Nuget entered an infinite loop (look in the output window).

<>solution> 是绕开自动恢复装置,见:https://developer Communities.udio.com/content/problem/26638/nuget-infinite-loop.html

to access this setting Tools > Options > NuGet Package Manager > General

我不得不在工具——和设计、选项——和设计、脱胎-和大体中 "击“可增强的土著埃德特和继续”:

enter image description here

综上所述,我的“倡议”项目将壳牌32“有色人种”=真实。 我将其改为假,“编辑和继续”开始工作。

解决办法探索者认为,每个参考文献的正确点是选择财产。 在财产方面,将“Fale”指向“Embed Interop”型号。 这为我工作。

For who still gets this error even with Visual Studio 2017

没有任何动态/便携式图书/Nuget包裹或附属问题。 演播室视觉没有发现任何错误或警告。


删除工作空间,Source control->;Advanced <>/code>>>>>->


Methods I ve在以上解决办法之前没有成功测试

  • Made sure Edit & Continue was enabled in Visual Studio options. Untick and tick it back again
  • Deleting bin and obj for all project in solution
  • Clean and Rebuild all, restart VS / reboot in combination to the above
  • Checking compile options and Nuget packages and dll compatibility for the projects, inspired by this
  • Unloading the projects in various combinations to test dependancy problems or other issues (inspired by this)
  • Deleting solution an re-downloading it (without removing the Workspace)
  • Sign False to Embed Interop Types
  • Set <_ResolveReferenceDependencies> to true as explained here
  • Combinations of the above with restart of VS and reboots

之后,我对另一个机器进行了检查,并下载了同一版本的视觉演播室(2017年社区)。 由于我拿到Edit &Continue问题,我去找工作空间。

在我的案件中,“查询源文档与原始版本完全吻合”在“计算选择”中做了哪些工作。 VS 社区2017年。

从我的参考项目的汇编版本中删除* ,对我来说,这个问题已经解决。

From Github:

“我将此问题转录在VB和C#项目组合中,[评估:Version(1.2.3.*”)。 一旦一个VB项目参考了C#项目,就开始出现串通。 它视而不见,它有同样的问题。 -rhuijben


(显然有被旗帜的危险,似乎我们十多年来一直遭受过VS Edit和继续问题的痛苦。) 它对我感到震惊的是,微软视像演播室小组已经足够谨慎地帮助开发商,在出现这种情况时提供更多的假肢。

我尝试了上述一切,但没有工作。 这显然是因为一些低层次的清点选择(概览登记册......)得以实现。

Tools -> Import and Export Settings -> Reset All Settings


对我来说,什么是相似的,但并不完全像接受的答复。 我有一个匿名的类型,是按准则分类的。

var thingy = (from thing in things select new { thing.Property1, thing.Property2 }).First();


var (thing1, thing2) = (from thing in things select (thing.Property1, thing.Property2)).First();

I figured out one of the reasons my project was not letting me continue and edit while in debug mode. You can not have two c# files with the same filename even though they are in different folders and different name spaces and might have different class names. I changed the class name and that still didn t fix it. You have to change the .cs filename.

.Net Framework 4.8 doesn t have this issue so .net core added this feature.

在2015年全球抽样调查中,这一错误是由我最近安装的“nuGet”包裹造成的。 通过搁置这一包裹和重新铺设, b被固定。

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