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C# 添加使用字句而不是使用新的关键词[复制]的活动手。
原标题:C# adding event handler using v.s. not using new keyword [duplicate]

In C#, what is the difference (if any) between these two lines of code?

tmrMain.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventH以及ler(tmrMain_Tick);


tmrMain.Elapsed += tmrMain_Tick;

两者似乎完全相同。 页: 1 C# 只是假设你在什么时候把后者归类?



static void Hook1()
    someEvent += new EventHandler( Program_someEvent );

static void Hook2()
    someEvent += Program_someEvent;

And then ran ildasm over the code.
The generated MSIL was exactly the same.

So to answer your question, yes they are the same thing.
The compiler is just inferring that you want someEvent += new EventHandler( Program_someEvent );
-- You can see it creating the new EventHandler object in both cases in the MSIL


It used to be (.NET 1.x days) that the long form was the only way to do it. In both cases you are newing up a delegate to point to the Program_someEvent method.

I don t think there s any difference. Certainly resharper says the first line has redundant code.


You could instantiate a delegate (new EventHandler(MethodName)) and (if appropriate) reuse that instance.

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