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Icon overlay, issue with-030
原标题:Icon overlay issue with Python

我在这个论坛上看到了一些例子和专题,涉及如何用Icon overlay手铐,与Adhur 2.7 &一起执行;这套双赢套方案,但并非对我有用,我不理解为什么。

我制造了DL,我在登记时没有错误。 我也直接用文字进行审判,但同样如此。 从来没有像这个阶层那样。


import win32traceutil

from win32com.shell import shell, shellcon
import pythoncom
import winerror
import os

REG_PATH =r SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShellIconOverlayIdentifiers 
REG_KEY = "GdIconOverlayTest"

class GdClass:
    _reg_clsid_= {512AE200-F075-41E6-97DD-48ECA4311F2E} 
    _reg_progid_= GD.TestServer 
    _reg_desc_= gd desc 
    _public_methods_ = [ GetOverlayInfo , GetPriority , IsMemberOf ]
    _com_interfaces_=[shell.IID_IShellIconOverlayIdentifier, pythoncom.IID_IDispatch]

    def __init__(self):

    def GetOverlayInfo(self):
        return (os.path.abspath(r C:icons	est.ico ), 0, shellcon.ISIOI_ICONFILE)

    def GetPriority(self):
        return 0

    def IsMemberOf(self, fname, attributes):
        print( ismemberOf , fname, os.path.basename(fname))
        if os.path.basename(fname) == "hello.text":
            return winerror.S_OK
        return winerror.E_FAIL

def DllRegisterServer():
    print "Registering %s" % REG_KEY
    import _winreg
    key = _winreg.CreateKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, REG_PATH)
    subkey = _winreg.CreateKey(key, GdClass._reg_progid_)
    _winreg.SetValueEx(subkey, None, 0, _winreg.REG_SZ, GdClass._reg_clsid_)
    print "Registration complete: %s" % GdClass._reg_desc_

def DllUnregisterServer():
    print "Unregistering %s" % REG_KEY
    import _winreg
        key = _winreg.DeleteKey(_winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, r"%s\%s" % (REG_PATH, GdClass._reg_progid_))
    except WindowsError, details:
        import errno
        if details.errno != errno.ENOENT:
    print "Unregistration complete: %s" % GdClass._reg_desc_

if __name__== __main__ :
    from win32com.server import register
                            finalize_register = DllRegisterServer,
                            finalize_unregister = DllUnregisterServer)

Hi and thanks for your answer. I have tested with a log file and also win32traceutil. The registration/unregitration messages are logged. The registry entries are also created under:

1/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShellIconOverlayIdentifiersGD.TestServer 2/ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionShell ExtensionsApproved 3/ directly under class root.


My configuration is: Python 2.7 pywin32-214.win32-py2.7.exe Windows XP SP 2



problem solved. i guess something was badly initialized but now it works.

我想要做的是像 drop光服务。

i 必须能够根据上载情况更新特定档案的icon。 我将为每个州设立一个班级(上载、上载、失败),执行国际开发协会的界面。 ......

i) 是否应当写上目前上下载/上载到——在当地档案中上上上载的档案清单,检查每个档案是否包含在“SiOf”方法中,以确定显示好的icon”。 这样做的最佳途径是,例如将所有档案途径储存在登记处的关键之内?


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