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客户在寄给客户时过早地闭关,在 n子里
原标题:client closed prematurely connection while sending to client, in nginx
  • 时间:2011-01-26 12:58:56
  •  标签:
  • nginx


2010/12/05 17:11:49 [info] 7736#0: *1108 client closed prematurely connection while sending to client, 
client:, server:***.biz, request: "GET /forum/ HTTP/1.1", 
upstream:"http://***:3000/forum/", host: "***.biz"

我每天在现场有500条对应法。 我如何确定这一点?



proxy_ignore_client_abort on;。

I tackled this problem myself for long hours today and found a solution:
Please note that this fix only affects you when using load balancer(s)

检查你的负荷平衡闲置时间。 我将ELB的闲置时间定在60秒(过失)上,而且由于请求被撤销,在一定时间之后关闭了联系。 但是,由于ELB处于原始状态,正出现“客户”(即ELB)正在关闭这一联系。

So if you are using ELB, go to:
EC2 -> Load Balancers -> Select the correct one -> scroll down in description and change Idle Timeout if you are using other load balancers, check their configuration and timeouts.


I found that if you turn off the proxy buffer helps

http {
   proxy_buffering off;

Probably the buffers are too small or less. After changing the buffer sizes it works nice

proxy_buffering on;
proxy_buffer_size 8k;
proxy_buffers 2048 8k;

我有同样的问题,对此进行了研究。 在我的案件中,这只发生在网上浏览器上。 如果你只装上单一资源,那么他们开放的连接比他们要求的要大得多。 在这种情况下,超额联系是平庸的,或者至少没有向它发送任何吉大港定居地。 这导致在原产地上出现上述错误。

Regarding #1 answer: Non of the proposed solutions help which is logical as this has nothing to do with proxying.

Regarding #2 answer: proxy_ignore_client_abort on; Does not help in my test.

Unfortunately, I ve found no other solution than using


我也存在同样的问题,发现由于寄出时间,原产地关闭了联系。 我增加并固定了。

send_timeout 20;

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