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How can I fix streamlit groupby.transform error?
df1 = pd.DataFrame({ value : [1, np.nan, np.nan, 2, 3, 1, 3, np.nan, 3],  name : [ A , A ,  B , B , B , B ,  C , C , C ]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({ value : [1, np.nan, np.nan, 2, 3, 1, 3, np.nan, 3],  name : [ A , A ,  B , B , B , B ,  C , C , C ]})

[ df1 ]
  name  value
0    A      1
1    A    NaN
2    B    NaN
3    B      2
4    B      3
5    B      1
6    C      3
7    C    NaN
8    C      3

[ df2 ]
  name  value
0    A      1
1    A    NaN
2    B    NaN
3    B      2
4    B      3
5    B      1
6    C      3
7    C    NaN

numeric_only_columns = df1.select_dtypes(exclude = [ object ,  datetime ]).columns.to_list()

for i in numeric_only_columns:
    df1[i] = df1[i].fillna(df1.groupby(groupby_columns)[i].transform( mean ))
    df2[i] = df2[i].fillna(df1.groupby(groupby_columns)[i].transform( mean ))

df2[i] = df2[i].fillna(df1.groupby(groupby_columns)[i].transform( mean )) working

my stremalit code

fill_na_columns = st.selectbox("select method?",( mean , min , max , median ))
                    groupby_columns = st.multiselect("Groupby columns select", train.columns.to_list(), default=train.columns.to_list()[0])

if fill_na_columns ==  mean :
   numeric_only_columns = train.select_dtypes(exclude = [ object ,  datetime ]).columns.to_list()

    for i in numeric_only_columns:
                            train[i] = train[i].fillna(train.groupby(groupby_columns)[i].transform( mean ))
                            test[i] = test[i].fillna(train.groupby(groupby_columns)[i].transform( mean ))
                            val[i] = val[i].fillna(train.groupby(groupby_columns)[i].transform( mean ))

Applied to train but not to test and val .. Works fine on jupyter notebook but In streamlit, no values ​​are applied to test, val. why this happen?

Applied to train but not to test and val .. Works fine on jupyter notebook but In streamlit, no values ​​are applied to test, val. why this happen?



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