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原标题:Emulating user browsing session for unit test

I m 寻求一个框架,使我能够效仿用户浏览。


  1. Browse to home page, get session
  2. Be redirected to current page
  3. Click on some link
  4. Get connected
  5. Submit a form
  6. and co...


你们建议哪些框架能够管理这一设置? 不能在浏览器内执行,只能靠哈得德执行。


Thank you,



this post shows an example in Python:
Python - Headless Selenium WebDriver Tests using PyVirtualDisplay



它甚至得到体面的 j印支持,其基础是 Java。

  • Support for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols
  • Support for cookies
  • Ability to specify whether failing responses from the server should throw exceptions or should be returned as pages of the appropriate type (based on content type)
  • Support for submit methods POST and GET (as well as HEAD, DELETE, ...)
  • Ability to customize the request headers being sent to the server
  • Support for HTML responses
    • Wrapper for HTML pages that provides easy access to all information contained inside them
    • Support for submitting forms
    • Support for clicking links
    • Support for walking the DOM model of the HTML document
  • Proxy server support
  • Support for basic and NTLM authentication
  • Excellent JavaScript support

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