您应使用SNAPSHOT。 最好的办法是将READ COMMITTEDSPSHOT转至数据库一级,该数据库将无声地将所有未清的READ COMMITTED交易转化为速记交易。
The reasons why SNAPSHOT is best for applications, specially for applications that can run into blocking due to concurrency issues, are countless, and the benefits are endless. It is true that SNAPSHOT isolation occurs a cost in resources used, but unless you measured and find conclusive evidence that is the row version store that is causing the problems, you cannot dismiss it upfront.
永远不应使用的一个孤立等级是反恐执行局。 这就要求麻烦:。 Dirty的案文如下:。
REPEATABLE和SERIALIZABLE的使用案例极为狭窄,最可能永远不需要。 遗憾的是,SERIZABLE被互联网系统滥用。 交易和MTS/COM+的这类申请最终使用(而且由于其原因具有巨大的可变性问题),尽管不需要。