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原标题:can anyone say how sampling rate and framesize is realted?
  • 时间:2011-02-01 10:15:53
  •  标签:
  • c
  • audio


I decoded a spx file to wav, with sampling rate of 10 kHz and at 16 bit. The frame size applied during the decoding process was 640. The decoded file is playable in vlc. But I want to play that file in Flex.

灵活的支助率仅为44.1千赫、22.5千赫和11.2千赫。 我想在脱节过程中提高取样率。 我知道如何在守则中这样做,但我猜测,也应增加框架。 我不知道这两者之间的依赖性。 谁能帮助?


碎块大小和取样率一般都是奥果里概念。 除非具体格式要求,否则它们不必相互影响。

对于PCM .wav来说,框架规模永远是借方/渠道。 就你而言,有16个专栏,即32个字典。



你将两项独立任务混为一谈:间谍脱节和转播。 上述框架规模应仅视为包含PCCM样本的缓冲。 这些内容分析样本请转至Amampler(例如:SSRC:)。

碎度取决于用来压缩原始数据的代码。 该表将包含综合样本数量(320例)。

如果我能正确思考原始音频,其基数等于样本大小。 然而,一些编码系统对一系列样本进行压缩。 通常,框架规模越大,压缩数据所需的记忆越多,但你可能实现的压缩。

在脱节期间,你可以提高取样率,但你可以重复密码的录音。 假设你实际上重新编码数据,将其发送给灵活性? 你们需要看一下你重新使用的代号。 你们使用哪一种规范?

irrespective of number of channels used, frame rate and sampling rate are same. because that is the purpose of TDM. New channels are introduced in the gap left between two consecutive samples. As the number of channels increase time allotted to each channel decrease there by time taken by each bit. but tame gap between consecutive samples of any channel will remain constant and it will equal to the total frame time. i.e. Time gap between samples = Frame time, hence Frame rate is equal to sample rate.

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