English 中文(简体)
原标题:in emacs-lisp, how do I correctly use replace-regexp-in-string?

鉴于说明,我想用链接描述取代内部的所有联系。 举例说,

this is a [[http://link][description]]


this is a description




(defun flatten-string-with-links (string)
    (replace-regexp-in-string "\[\[[^\[]+\]\[[^\[]+\]\]"
                (lambda(s) (nth 2 (split-string s "[][]+"))) string))

它不是取代整条reg形序列,而只是取代拖拉“]”。 这是它产生的结果:

this is a [[http://link][descriptiondescription

我不理解什么是错的。 任何帮助都会受到高度赞赏。

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我已改进了该链接的监管。 它与问题无关,但如果有人用 copy子复制,他们也会得到更好的版本。


Your problem is that split-string is clobbering the match data, which replace-regexp-in-string is relying on being unchanged, since it is going to go use that match data to decide which sections of the string to cut out. This is arguably a doc bug in that replace-regexp-in-string does not mention that your replacement function must preserve the match data.

You can work around by using save-match-data, which is a macro provided for exactly this purpose:

(defun flatten-string-with-links (string)
    (replace-regexp-in-string "\[\[[a-zA-Z:%@/.]+\]\[[a-zA-Z:%@/.]+\]\]"
                (lambda (s) (save-match-data
                         (nth 2 (split-string s "[][]+")))) string))


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