I wanted the active pane s borders to be brighter than other panes,
so I went with this (works in tmux 1.8 w/CentOS 7):
~/.tmux.conf fragment
# rgb hex codes from https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.html
set-option -g pane-active-border-fg #33FF33 # brighter green
set-option -g pane-border-fg #006600 # darker green
The tmux man page says hex-RGB colors will be approximated, and I find the hex codes easier to understand than remembering "colour47" (out of colour0-255) is a kind of light green (as described in How does the tmux color palette work?).
tmux man-page excerpt:
message-bg colour
Set status line message background colour, ...etc...
or a hexadecimal RGB string such as ‘#ffffff’, which chooses the closest
match from the default 256-colour set.