English 中文(简体)
原标题:AJAX not notice change inside the file


var myPlaylist = (!XMLHttpRequest) ?new ActiveXObject( Microsoft.XMLHTTP )
:new XMLHttpRequest;
myPlaylist.open( "GET", tempsrc,true);
myPlaylist.onreadystatechange = reportStatus;

<代码>reportStatus 方法分立responseText,并向录像机发送链接。

When I make a change and update my .pls file, which is referred as tempsrc in the code, my program works on old version of the file and ignores changes I made on file.
If I rename the .pls file, then it notices changes and treats it like a new file which makes sense.



I expect your web browser is caching the HTTP request. You can explicitly avoid this by adding the current time as a useless parameter to the URL:

myPlaylist.open( "GET", tempsrc +  ?_=  + (new Date()).getTime(),true);

请注意,这假定尚未通过任何参数。 如果有的话,将<代码>改为到&



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