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原标题:Does one still write tests with TDD when the desired code has little to no logic? Why?


Example 1:



Public Function StopService(ByVal serviceName As String, ByVal timeoutMilliseconds As Double) As Boolean Implements IWindowsServicesService.StopService

        Dim service As New ServiceController(serviceName)
        Dim timeout As TimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeoutMilliseconds)


        If timeoutMilliseconds <= 0 Then
            service.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, timeout)
        End If

        Return service.Status = ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped

    Catch ex As Win32Exception
        Return False
    Catch ex As TimeoutException
        Return False
    End Try

End Function

Example 2:


Public Function GetProcess(ByVal serviceName As String) As Process
    Dim managementObject As New ManagementObject(String.Format("Win32_service.Name= {0} ", serviceName))
    Dim processID As Integer = CType(managementObject.GetPropertyValue("ProcessID"), Integer)
    Dim process As Process = process.GetProcessById(processID)
    Return process
End Function













大多数错误都是由API中意外的、可能未记录的行为引起的。在各种情况下(Windows版本/区域设置/网络设置等),要让这些事情正确运行可能非常困难。您实际上可以成为世界著名的博主只是通过记录人们使用Win32 API所犯的错误和误解。

  • The most important tests are tests against the real API. You need some setup and teardown code to create processes or services.
  • Mocking/IoC aren t very valuable. You re just proving that you are making particular API calls in a particular order. You need to prove that your code is achieving what you want, in all the situations it will encounter in the real world.
  • I really think you can t do test-first development against mocks here. Imagine you find a bug in the third-party API (it happens). You ll need to work round the bug. You might even need to totally change your approach, maybe PInvoke to the Win32 API or some COM object. In that situation, mocked tests would just be a waste of time.
    1. First you d have to code up a workaround that actually works against the real API.
    2. Then you d have to edit the mocked tests to match the workaround.
    3. You couldn t edit the mocked tests first, because you have to try the workaround out to know whether it actually works.


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