English 中文(简体)
原标题:Function Composition in R (and high level functions)
  • 时间:2011-02-07 07:08:01
  •  标签:
  • r
  • haskell



Also, I find litte information on high level functional programming in R. I found the Functions "Reduce", "Map", "Filter"..., are there more? Any pointers?



composite<-function(f,g) function(...) f(g(...))

f<-function(x) x+1;
g<-function(x) x*2;





x <- matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)
# [1] 5.486063e-18

Compose(scale, rowSums, mean)(x)
# [1] 5.486063e-18



f = function(x) x+1
g = function(x) x*3

> compose(g,f)(1)
[1] 6
> compose(f,g, .dir="forward")(1)
[1] 6


  • allows partial argument assignment to the component functions;
  • ensure environment sensitive functions like ls act normally.
  • the composition body show the actual component function names.


## example component functions
ff <- function(n, a=1.0) 1:n*a
gg <- function(x, b=0.5) x^b
hh <- function(x, c=2.0, d=0.5) d * log(x, c)

## composition #1, rotate `c` in hh()
(tmp <- ff(a=1) %.% gg(b=2) %.% hh(x=3, d=1) %.% round(digits=3))
#  function (...)
#  round(hh(gg(ff(..., a = 1), b = 2), x = 3, d = 1), digits = 3)
#  [1]   Inf 0.792 0.500 0.396 0.341 0.307 0.282 0.264 0.250

## composition #3: a component function is environment sensitive.
(ls() %.% grep(pattern="^[a-z]", value=TRUE) %.% toupper)(environment())
#  [1] "FF"  "GG"  "HH"  "TMP"


"%.%" <- function(f, g, .dp=0)
    f <- substitute(f)
    g <- substitute(g)

    ## treatment of f()
    if("%.%" == all.names(f)[1])
        ## f() is a %.% expression, expand it by a deeper call of %.%.
        f <- eval(as.call(append(as.list(f), c(.dp=.dp+1))))
        ## f() is the deepest function, (i.e., the left most syntax of
        ## a %.% chain), insert ... as its first argument.
        f <- as.call(append(as.list(f), quote(...), 1L))

    ## expands g() to g(f(...)) by treating f(...) as the 1st argument
    g <- as.call(append(as.list(g), f, 1L))

    ## pack up and return
    if(.dp > 0)
        ret <- g # a deeper call of %.% return expanded expression
        ## the top call of %.% build a function enclosing g(f(...))
        ret <- function(...) {}
        body(ret) <- g
        ## treat the function as if it was defined from outside.
        environment(ret) <- parent.frame()

## example component functions
ff <- function(n, a=1.0) 1:n*a
gg <- function(x, b=0.5) x^b
hh <- function(x, c=2.0, d=0.5) d * log(x, c)

## composition #1, rotate `c` in hh()
(tmp <- ff(a=1) %.% gg(b=2) %.% hh(x=3, d=1) %.% round(digits=3))
#  function (...)
#  round(hh(gg(ff(..., a = 1), b = 2), x = 3, d = 1), digits = 3)
#  [1]   Inf 0.792 0.500 0.396 0.341 0.307 0.282 0.264 0.250

## composition #2: rotate `x` in hh(); compose an anonymous function.
sapply(1:4, ff(a=1) %.% gg(b=2) %.% hh(d=1, c=2) %.% round(digits=3))
#  [[1]]
#  [1] 0
#  [[2]]
#  [1] 0 2
#  [[3]]
#  [1] 0.00 2.00 3.17
#  [[4]]
#  [1] 0.00 2.00 3.17 4.00

## composition #3: a component function is environment sensitive.
(ls() %.% grep(pattern="^[a-z]", value=TRUE) %.% toupper)(environment())
#  [1] "FF"  "GG"  "HH"  "TMP"
## does not show `f`, `g` and `ret` (and `.dp`) as if the composition
## is outside of `%.%` s environment.

## composition #4: example from Answer #1 by [flodel]
x <- matrix(runif(100), 10, 10)
# [1] 5.486063e-18
(scale %.% rowSums %.% mean)(x)
# [1] 5.486063e-18



mean(rowSums(scale(mtcars)))      # nested function call

f <- Reduce((g, h) {(x) h(g(x))}, list(scale, rowSums, mean))
f(mtcars)     # now, calling f gives same result as nested call above



  • is shorthand for function as of R 4.1.0
  • The solutions that already have been provided are IMO preferable. For example, purrr::compose is more readable and flexible and does much more under the hood.

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