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x86目标未在32位Windows XP上运行
原标题:x86 target not running on 32 bit Windows XP

我有一个.NET应用程序,它使用MS Access作为数据库。我一直在使用AnyCPU作为编译目标。这在Windows XP 32位上运行良好。现在我需要部署到Windows7 64位。当我第一次部署时,数据库连接失败。所以我发现我需要将编译目标更改为x86,以强制Windows7 64位以32位模式运行程序。这很有效。但当我尝试在WindowsXP32bit上运行该程序时,它失败了。



以下是Windows XP计算机上ClickOnce的错误详细信息,编译目标为x86:


   Following errors were detected during this operation.
    * [2/10/2011 10:29:44 PM] System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentException (SubscriptionState)
        - The deployment identity does not match the subscription.
        - Source: System.Deployment
        - Stack trace:
            at System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.CheckUpdateInManifest(SubscriptionState subState, Uri updateCodebaseUri, AssemblyManifest deployment, Version currentVersion, Boolean& bUpdateInPKTGroup)
            at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentUpdate(SubscriptionState& subState, String& errorPageUrl)
            at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ProcessOrFollowShortcut(String shortcutFile, String& errorPageUrl, TempFile& deployFile)
            at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.PerformDeploymentActivation(Uri activationUri, Boolean isShortcut, String textualSubId, String deploymentProviderUrlFromExtension, BrowserSettings browserSettings, String& errorPageUrl)
            at System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationActivator.ActivateDeploymentWorker(Object state)





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