English 中文(简体)
原标题:Autoloader for Propel 1.5.6 doesn t seem to fully work

我已经在我的Mac上安装了Propel 1.5.6,通过MacPorts运行PHP 5.12.14。我已经创建了一个模式,生成了一个模型,运行了sql生成和插入任务,现在开始着手运行时的工作。



// Set up some paths & schema info
$projectPath = realpath( dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .  ..  );
$schemaName =  database ;
$modelPath = $projectPath . "/${schemaName}/build/classes";

// Init propel
require_once $projectPath .  /lib/propel-1.5/runtime/lib/Propel.php ;
Propel::init($projectPath . "/${schemaName}/build/conf/${schemaName}-conf.php");

// Add the generated  classes  directory to the include path
set_include_path($modelPath . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());

// This seems to be sufficient to get the autoloader working ***
require_once $modelPath .  /database/NodePeer.php ;

$node = new Node();
$node->setName( My Node );

$nodes = NodePeer::doSelect(new Criteria());
echo  Node count:   . count($nodes) . "


Fatal error: Undefined class constant NAME in (project)/database/build/classes/database/om/BaseNode.php on line 211





  • Is PHP struggling on my configuration to autoload statically called methods/constants?
  • Or could there be a problem to do with the order in which the Propel autoloader loads things?






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