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原标题:How to determine pivot flick is right or left?




如果您想在自己的代码中检测到这一点,可以使用Silverlight Windows Phone工具包,如本文或者您可以简单地跟踪Pivot控件上的SelectedIndex属性,以确定用户的轻拂方式。




Excel VBA: Update Pivot Sourcedata

I tried to record the code to update a pivot sourcedata which gave me this: ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard SourceType:=xlExternal, _ SourceData:=QueryArry1, _ Connection:=Array( _ Array(...

Dynamic Pivot (in SQL Server 2005)

I m writing a stored procedure for Microsoft SQL 2005 and I want to create a dynamic SQL Pivot: SELECT Book.ISBN, Book.Name StockMutation.StockLocation FROM Book INNER JOIN ...

mysql join query

I have a query with the following tables (reduced to show only the interested columns). t1 code t2 code, period, status t3 period, desc Now what I have is, t3 is a table of unique "periods". t1 ...

rails db neutral pivot table or crosstab

Does anyone know of a way to build a pivot table using activerecord which would be remotely DB neutral? I ve tried to avoid using find_by_sql and DB specific queries but for a pivot table or crosstab ...

SQL Convert Rows To Columns

I know this has been asked a few times before, but I can t find any solution that fits my example. I currently have a table of user permissions to use certain pages. The table would look like this: ...
