English 中文(简体)
原标题:Messed up with .bind() and .unbind() in jQuery


$( #player ).load( /videos/index );


<a href="#" id="nextb" onclick="$( #player ).load( /videos/index ).unbind();">next</a>

other is through shortcut of that button. And they work fine, until i discovered, that if I refresh player twice in a row through the link, and then through the shortcut, it loads div twicely. If i refresh through the link three times in a row, than through the shortcut, than it s loading div three times. And so on.. So, i ve started to trying configure binds (as I assumed, that was the reason), but there were mo result. Here is my messed up in binds shortcut part of application.js

$(document).bind( keydown ,  space , function() {
    $( #player ).unbind( load );    
    $( #player ).load( /videos/index );




$(document).ready(function() {
    var loading = false;
    function reloadDiv() {
        if(!loading) {
            loading = true;
            $( #player ).load( /videos/index , null, function() { loading = false; });
    $( #nextb ).click(reloadDiv);
    $(document).bind( keydown ,  space , reloadDiv);




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