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原标题:TDD with large C# solution virtually impossible due to slow compile speed



What is best practice, to bring the build time down from its current 75seconds to a more acceptable 5 seconds or so? This will make TDD feasible again.



IMHO the problem lies here: "as the test assembly references various layers of the solution."
You should have one test assembly per assembly you want to test.
When you still reference many assemblies in each of your test assemblies, you have a different problem: You are creating integration tests. That s not what you want to do in TDD.

In addition to the update to your question:
Normally, you would define the interfaces in another assembly than the implementation. So a change to the implementation of a low level class should have no impact on the higher level classes that use those interfaces...



  • 将小项目合并为大项目,因为构建解决方案时每个项目都有很大的开销。(使用依赖如果需要控制跨层调用,可以在”代码查询语言”,然后作为构建的一部分进行检查)

  • 将所有项目构建到某个输出目录中,然后在所有项目引用上将“copy local”设置为false——这可能会由于IO减少而导致速度大大加快。

  • 打开你的病毒检查器,看看它是否有多大区别;如果是,请查找更快的病毒检查程序,或从病毒检查程序扫描中排除“热门”文件夹

  • 使用性能监视器和系统内部工具来查看编译是如何花费这么长时间的。

  • 考虑一个ram磁盘来放置输出目录。

  • 考虑使用SSD,这是一个很大的收益而且它们越来越便宜。

  • 更多的内存有时会产生很大的影响——(减少机器中的内存——如果你通过移除一个小内存来获得很大的减速,那么你可能会通过添加更多内存来获得更大的速度)

  • 删除不必要的项目引用(您可能必须先删除不需要的“using”)





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