English 中文(简体)
• 如何将SqlAlchemy结果编为JSON?
原标题:How to serialize SqlAlchemy result to JSON?


• 如何将KallAlchemy的查询结果编成JSON格式?

I tried jsonpickle.encode but it encodes query object itself. I tried json.dumps(items) but it returns

TypeError: <Product( 3 ,  some name ,  some desc )> is not JSON serializable

是否确实如此难以将Kolchemy ORM的物体编为JSON /XML? 是否有任何违约序号? 如今,将办公室管理查询结果序列化是一项非常常见的任务。

What I need is just to return JSON or XML data representation of SQLAlchemy query result.

需在javascript datagird(JQGrid


A flat implementation

You could use something like this:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta

class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
            # an SQLAlchemy class
            fields = {}
            for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith( _ ) and x !=  metadata ]:
                data = obj.__getattribute__(field)
                    json.dumps(data) # this will fail on non-encodable values, like other classes
                    fields[field] = data
                except TypeError:
                    fields[field] = None
            # a json-encodable dict
            return fields

        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)


c = YourAlchemyClass()
print json.dumps(c, cls=AlchemyEncoder)


它不建立自动扩展的关系(因为这可能导致自我参照,并永远 lo)。

A recursive, non-circular implementation

然而,如果你 lo,你可以使用:

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta

def new_alchemy_encoder():
    _visited_objs = []

    class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
                # don t re-visit self
                if obj in _visited_objs:
                    return None

                # an SQLAlchemy class
                fields = {}
                for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith( _ ) and x !=  metadata ]:
                    fields[field] = obj.__getattribute__(field)
                # a json-encodable dict
                return fields

            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    return AlchemyEncoder


print json.dumps(e, cls=new_alchemy_encoder(), check_circular=False)

这将使所有儿童及其所有子女和所有子女都能入学。 可能把整个数据库基本编码。 当它达到以前所编码的内容时,它将将其编码为零。

A recursive, possibly-circular, selective implementation


def new_alchemy_encoder(revisit_self = False, fields_to_expand = []):
    _visited_objs = []

    class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, obj):
            if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
                # don t re-visit self
                if revisit_self:
                    if obj in _visited_objs:
                        return None

                # go through each field in this SQLalchemy class
                fields = {}
                for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith( _ ) and x !=  metadata ]:
                    val = obj.__getattribute__(field)

                    # is this field another SQLalchemy object, or a list of SQLalchemy objects?
                    if isinstance(val.__class__, DeclarativeMeta) or (isinstance(val, list) and len(val) > 0 and isinstance(val[0].__class__, DeclarativeMeta)):
                        # unless we re expanding this field, stop here
                        if field not in fields_to_expand:
                            # not expanding this field: set it to None and continue
                            fields[field] = None

                    fields[field] = val
                # a json-encodable dict
                return fields

            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

    return AlchemyEncoder


print json.dumps(e, cls=new_alchemy_encoder(False, [ parents ]), check_circular=False)



Python 3.7+ and Flask 1.1+ can use the built-in dataclasses package

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):
  id: int
  email: str

  id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, auto_increment=True)
  email = db.Column(db.String(200), unique=True)

@app.route( /users/ )
def users():
  users = User.query.all()
  return jsonify(users)  

if __name__ == "__main__":
  users = User(email="user1@gmail.com"), User(email="user2@gmail.com")

<代码>/用户/ 路线现在将归还用户名单。

  {"email": "user1@gmail.com", "id": 1},
  {"email": "user2@gmail.com", "id": 2}

Auto-serialize related models

class Account(db.Model):
  id: int
  users: User

  id = db.Column(db.Integer)
  users = db.relationship(User)  # User model would need a db.ForeignKey field



Overwrite the default JSON Encoder

from flask.json import JSONEncoder

class CustomJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):
  "Add support for serializing timedeltas"

  def default(o):
    if type(o) == datetime.timedelta:
      return str(o)
    if type(o) == datetime.datetime:
      return o.isoformat()
    return super().default(o)

app.json_encoder = CustomJSONEncoder      


 d = dict(row.items())

Then serialize that to JSON ( you will have to specify an encoder for things like datetime values ) It s not that hard if you just want one record ( and not a full hierarchy of related records ).

json.dumps([(dict(row.items())) for row in rs])

我建议使用marshmallow。 这使你能够创建序列器,在支持关系和nes物的情况下代表你的模型。

这里就是其缩略语。 采用ORM模型,Author:

class Author(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    first = db.Column(db.String(80))
    last = db.Column(db.String(80))


class AuthorSchema(Schema):
    id = fields.Int(dump_only=True)
    first = fields.Str()
    last = fields.Str()
    formatted_name = fields.Method("format_name", dump_only=True)

    def format_name(self, author):
        return "{}, {}".format(author.last, author.first)

...and used like this:

author_schema = AuthorSchema()


        "first": "Tim",
        "formatted_name": "Peters, Tim",
        "id": 1,
        "last": "Peters"


一个名为<代码>marshmallow-sqlalchemy的图书馆专门整合了Skarchemy和marshmallow。 在该图书馆,上述<代码>Author模式的图象如下:

class AuthorSchema(ModelSchema):
    class Meta:
        model = Author

整合使实地类型能够从Kalchemy Column的类型中推断出来。

marshmallow-sqlalchemy here


mysql = SQLAlchemy()
from sqlalchemy import inspect

class Contacts(mysql.Model):  
    __tablename__ =  CONTACTS 
    id = mysql.Column(mysql.Integer, primary_key=True)
    first_name = mysql.Column(mysql.String(128), nullable=False)
    last_name = mysql.Column(mysql.String(128), nullable=False)
    phone = mysql.Column(mysql.String(128), nullable=False)
    email = mysql.Column(mysql.String(128), nullable=False)
    street = mysql.Column(mysql.String(128), nullable=False)
    zip_code = mysql.Column(mysql.String(128), nullable=False)
    city = mysql.Column(mysql.String(128), nullable=False)
    def toDict(self):
        return { c.key: getattr(self, c.key) for c in inspect(self).mapper.column_attrs }

@app.route( /contacts ,methods=[ GET ])
def getContacts():
    contacts = Contacts.query.all()
    contactsArr = []
    for contact in contacts:
    return jsonify(contactsArr)

@app.route( /contacts/<int:id> ,methods=[ GET ])
def getContact(id):
    contact = Contacts.query.get(id)
    return jsonify(contact.toDict())

Get inspired from an answer here : Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict

出于安全原因,你永远不应回到所有模式领域。 我更喜欢有选择地选择。

Flask s json encoding is now support UUID,datetime and relations (and supplemented query and query_}/code> for flask_sqlalchemy db.Model. 一. 更新内容如下:


    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta
    from flask import json

    class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
        def default(self, o):
            if isinstance(o.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
                data = {}
                fields = o.__json__() if hasattr(o,  __json__ ) else dir(o)
                for field in [f for f in fields if not f.startswith( _ ) and f not in [ metadata ,  query ,  query_class ]]:
                    value = o.__getattribute__(field)
                        data[field] = value
                    except TypeError:
                        data[field] = None
                return data
            return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, o)


# json encoding
from app.json_encoder import AlchemyEncoder
app.json_encoder = AlchemyEncoder



class Queue(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    song_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey( song.id ), unique=True, nullable=False)
    song = db.relationship( Song , lazy= joined )
    type = db.Column(db.String(20), server_default=u audio/mpeg )
    src = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False)
    created_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, server_default=db.func.now())
    updated_at = db.Column(db.DateTime, server_default=db.func.now(), onupdate=db.func.now())

    def __init__(self, song):
        self.song = song
        self.src = song.full_path

    def __json__(self):
        return [ song ,  src ,  type ,  created_at ]




    "created_at": "Thu, 23 Jul 2015 11:36:53 GMT",

            "full_path": "/static/music/Audioslave/Audioslave [2002]/1 Cochise.mp3",
            "id": 2,
            "path_name": "Audioslave/Audioslave [2002]/1 Cochise.mp3"
    "src": "/static/music/Audioslave/Audioslave [2002]/1 Cochise.mp3",
    "type": "audio/mpeg"


Here s one way to make your SqlAlchemy objects serializable: implement a custom JSONEncoder and add it to the base class:


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from flask.ext.jsontools import JsonSerializableBase

Base = declarative_base(cls=(DynamicJSONEncoder,))

class User(Base):


这里是实施“共同标准”的一种方式:它将允许你通过实施<条码>_json__()使一名证人在初等生中担任代理。 方法:

from flask.json import JSONEncoder

class DynamicJSONEncoder(JSONEncoder):
    """ JSON encoder for custom classes:

        Uses __json__() method if available to prepare the object.
        Especially useful for SQLAlchemy models

    def default(self, o):
        # Custom JSON-encodeable objects
        if hasattr(o,  __json__ ):
            return o.__json__()

        # Default
        return super().default(o)

A more detailed explanation. In your model, add:

def as_dict(self):
       return {c.name: str(getattr(self, c.name)) for c in self.__table__.columns}

<str>() 适用于python 3,如果使用python 2 ,则使用unicode(>)。 它应当有助于淡化日期。 如果不处理这些问题,你就能够去除。


some_result = User.query.filter_by(id=current_user.id).first().as_dict()

为了避免出现错误,需要<代码>First()。 <>代码>s_dict(>>> will now deserialize the result. 帝国化之后,它准备被弃之 j。



"from_json" (class method) builds a Model object based on json data.

"deserialize" could be called only on instance, and merge all data from json into Model instance.


__write_only__ property is needed to define write only properties ("password_hash" for example).

class Serializable(object):
    __exclude__ = ( id ,)
    __include__ = ()
    __write_only__ = ()

    def from_json(cls, json, selfObj=None):
        if selfObj is None:
            self = cls()
            self = selfObj
        exclude = (cls.__exclude__ or ()) + Serializable.__exclude__
        include = cls.__include__ or ()
        if json:
            for prop, value in json.iteritems():
                # ignore all non user data, e.g. only
                if (not (prop in exclude) | (prop in include)) and isinstance(
                        getattr(cls, prop, None), QueryableAttribute):
                    setattr(self, prop, value)
        return self

    def deserialize(self, json):
        if not json:
            return None
        return self.__class__.from_json(json, selfObj=self)

    def serialize_list(cls, object_list=[]):
        output = []
        for li in object_list:
            if isinstance(li, Serializable):
        return output

    def serialize(self, **kwargs):

        # init write only props
        if len(getattr(self.__class__,  __write_only__ , ())) == 0:
            self.__class__.__write_only__ = ()
        dictionary = {}
        expand = kwargs.get( expand , ()) or ()
        prop =  props 
        if expand:
            # expand all the fields
            for key in expand:
                getattr(self, key)
        iterable = self.__dict__.items()
        is_custom_property_set = False
        # include only properties passed as parameter
        if (prop in kwargs) and (kwargs.get(prop, None) is not None):
            is_custom_property_set = True
            iterable = kwargs.get(prop, None)
        # loop trough all accessible properties
        for key in iterable:
            accessor = key
            if isinstance(key, tuple):
                accessor = key[0]
            if not (accessor in self.__class__.__write_only__) and not accessor.startswith( _ ):
                # force select from db to be able get relationships
                if is_custom_property_set:
                    getattr(self, accessor, None)
                if isinstance(self.__dict__.get(accessor), list):
                    dictionary[accessor] = self.__class__.serialize_list(object_list=self.__dict__.get(accessor))
                # check if those properties are read only
                elif isinstance(self.__dict__.get(accessor), Serializable):
                    dictionary[accessor] = self.__dict__.get(accessor).serialize()
                    dictionary[accessor] = self.__dict__.get(accessor)
        return dictionary

Use the built-in seriesizer inkarchemy:

from sqlalchemy.ext.serializer import loads, dumps
obj = MyAlchemyObject()
# serialize object
serialized_obj = dumps(obj)

# deserialize object
obj = loads(serialized_obj)

If you re transferring the object between sessions, remember to detach the object from the current session using session.expunge(obj). To attach it again, just do session.add(obj).

Here is a solution that lets you select the relations you want to include in your output as deep as you would like to go. NOTE: This is a complete re-write taking a dict/str as an arg rather than a list. fixes some stuff..

def deep_dict(self, relations={}):
    """Output a dict of an SA object recursing as deep as you want.

    Takes one argument, relations which is a dictionary of relations we d
    like to pull out. The relations dict items can be a single relation
    name or deeper relation names connected by sub dicts

        Say we have a Person object with a family relationship
            person.deep_dict(relations={ family :None})
        Say the family object has homes as a relation then we can do
            person.deep_dict(relations={ family :{ homes :None}})
            person.deep_dict(relations={ family : homes })
        Say homes has a relation like rooms you can do
            person.deep_dict(relations={ family :{ homes : rooms }})
            and so on...
    mydict =  dict((c, str(a)) for c, a in
                    self.__dict__.items() if c !=  _sa_instance_state )
    if not relations:
        # just return ourselves
        return mydict

    # otherwise we need to go deeper
    if not isinstance(relations, dict) and not isinstance(relations, str):
        raise Exception("relations should be a dict, it is of type {}".format(type(relations)))

    # got here so check and handle if we were passed a dict
    if isinstance(relations, dict):
        # we were passed deeper info
        for left, right in relations.items():
            myrel = getattr(self, left)
            if isinstance(myrel, list):
                mydict[left] = [rel.deep_dict(relations=right) for rel in myrel]
                mydict[left] = myrel.deep_dict(relations=right)
    # if we get here check and handle if we were passed a string
    elif isinstance(relations, str):
        # passed a single item
        myrel = getattr(self, relations)
        left = relations
        if isinstance(myrel, list):
            mydict[left] = [rel.deep_dict(relations=None)
                                 for rel in myrel]
            mydict[left] = myrel.deep_dict(relations=None)

    return mydict

例如,使用个人/家庭/家庭/家庭/房间......将其变为 j,你们需要的是

json.dumps(person.deep_dict(relations={ family :{ homes : rooms }}))
class CNAME:
   def as_dict(self):
       return {item.name: getattr(self, item.name) for item in self.__table__.columns}

list = []
for data in session.query(CNAME).all():

return jsonify(list)


I use FastAPI,SqlAlchemy and MySQL, but I don t use orm model;

# from sqlalchemy import create_engine
# from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
# engine = create_engine(config.SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URL, pool_pre_ping=True)
# SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)


import decimal
import datetime

def alchemy_encoder(obj):
    """JSON encoder function for SQLAlchemy special classes."""
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
        return obj.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
        return float(obj)

import json
from sqlalchemy import text

# db is SessionLocal() object 

app_sql =  SELECT * FROM app_info ORDER BY app_id LIMIT :page,:page_size 

# The next two are the parameters passed in
page = 1
page_size = 10

# execute sql and return a <class  sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy > object
app_list = db.execute(text(app_sql), { page : page,  page_size : page_size})

# serialize
res = json.loads(json.dumps([dict(r) for r in app_list], default=alchemy_encoder))

如果做不到工作,请忽视我的回答。 我在此提及。


install simplejson by pip install simplejson and the create a class

class Serialise(object):

    def _asdict(self):
        Serialization logic for converting entities using flask s jsonify

        :return: An ordered dictionary
        :rtype: :class:`collections.OrderedDict`

        result = OrderedDict()
        # Get the columns
        for key in self.__mapper__.c.keys():
            if isinstance(getattr(self, key), datetime):
                result["x"] = getattr(self, key).timestamp() * 1000
                result["timestamp"] = result["x"]
                result[key] = getattr(self, key)

        return result

and inherit this class to every orm classes so that this _asdict function gets registered to every ORM class and boom. And use jsonify anywhere

def alc2json(row):
    return dict([(col, str(getattr(row,col))) for col in row.__table__.columns.keys()])


FYI:我使用automap_base 由于我们根据商业要求制定了单独的计划。 我今天刚刚开始使用KallAlchemy,但文件指出,汽车地图——基地是延伸到申报数据库,这似乎是Kallchemy ORM的典型范例,因此我认为应该这样做。

它没有在以下外国钥匙上出现缺陷:。 解决办法是,它只是与价值相匹配,通过体()对一栏数值进行处理。 我们的价值观是白天。 页: 1 班级减产,使工作得以完成。

Hope this helps any passers-by!

我知道这是一个非常老的员额。 我用了@SashaB提供的解决办法,并根据我的需要作了修改。


  1. Field ignore list: A list of fields to be ignored while serializing
  2. Field replace list: A dictionary containing field names to be replaced by values while serializing.
  3. Removed methods and BaseQuery getting serialized


def alchemy_json_encoder(revisit_self = False, fields_to_expand = [], fields_to_ignore = [], fields_to_replace = {}):
   Serialize SQLAlchemy result into JSon
   :param revisit_self: True / False
   :param fields_to_expand: Fields which are to be expanded for including their children and all
   :param fields_to_ignore: Fields to be ignored while encoding
   :param fields_to_replace: Field keys to be replaced by values assigned in dictionary
   :return: Json serialized SQLAlchemy object
   _visited_objs = []
   class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
      def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
            # don t re-visit self
            if revisit_self:
                if obj in _visited_objs:
                    return None

            # go through each field in this SQLalchemy class
            fields = {}
            for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith( _ ) and x !=  metadata  and x not in fields_to_ignore]:
                val = obj.__getattribute__(field)
                # is this field method defination, or an SQLalchemy object
                if not hasattr(val, "__call__") and not isinstance(val, BaseQuery):
                    field_name = fields_to_replace[field] if field in fields_to_replace else field
                    # is this field another SQLalchemy object, or a list of SQLalchemy objects?
                    if isinstance(val.__class__, DeclarativeMeta) or 
                            (isinstance(val, list) and len(val) > 0 and isinstance(val[0].__class__, DeclarativeMeta)):
                        # unless we re expanding this field, stop here
                        if field not in fields_to_expand:
                            # not expanding this field: set it to None and continue
                            fields[field_name] = None

                    fields[field_name] = val
            # a json-encodable dict
            return fields

        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
   return AlchemyEncoder


Under Flask, this works and handles datatime fields, transforming a field of type
time : datetime.datetime(2018, 3, 22, 15, 40) into
"time": "2018-03-22 15:40:00":

obj = {c.name: str(getattr(self, c.name)) for c in self.__table__.columns}

# This to get the JSON body
return json.dumps(obj)

# Or this to get a response object
return jsonify(obj)

下面的法典将规定 result酸 result的序列结果。

import json
from collections import OrderedDict

def asdict(self):
    result = OrderedDict()
    for key in self.__mapper__.c.keys():
        if getattr(self, key) is not None:
            result[key] = str(getattr(self, key))
            result[key] = getattr(self, key)
    return result

def to_array(all_vendors):
    v = [ ven.asdict() for ven in all_vendors ]
    return json.dumps(v) 

Calling fun,

def all_products():
    all_products = Products.query.all()
    return to_array(all_products)

AlchemyEncoder是可喜的,但有时是失败的。 这里是解决恶性问题的一个改进因素——

class AlchemyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
# To serialize SQLalchemy objects 
def default(self, obj):
    if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
        model_fields = {}
        for field in [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith( _ ) and x !=  metadata ]:
            data = obj.__getattribute__(field)
            print data
                json.dumps(data)  # this will fail on non-encodable values, like other classes
                model_fields[field] = data
            except TypeError:
                model_fields[field] = None
        return model_fields
    if isinstance(obj, Decimal):
        return float(obj)
    return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

在使用chem图象与b一连接时,这是一种非常可喜的简单解决办法。 Use pandas.

import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy

#sqlalchemy engine configuration
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine....

def my_function():
  #read in from sql directly into a pandas dataframe
  #check the pandas documentation for additional config options
  sql_DF = pd.read_sql_table("table_name", con=engine)

  # "orient" is optional here but allows you to specify the json formatting you require
  sql_json = sql_DF.to_json(orient="index")

  return sql_json

(Tiny tweak on Sasha B s 真正出色的回答

这具体将日期物体转换为显示原答复中将转换为<代码>的物体。 无

# Standard library imports
from datetime import datetime
import json

# 3rd party imports
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta

class JsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
            dict = {}

            # Remove invalid fields and just get the column attributes
            columns = [x for x in dir(obj) if not x.startswith("_") and x != "metadata"]

            for column in columns:
                value = obj.__getattribute__(column)

                    dict[column] = value
                except TypeError:
                    if isinstance(value, datetime):
                        dict[column] = value.__str__()
                        dict[column] = None
            return dict

        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
class SqlToDict:
    def __init__(self, data) -> None:
        self.data = data

    def to_timestamp(self, date):
        if isinstance(date, datetime):
            return int(datetime.timestamp(date))
            return date

    def to_dict(self) -> List:
        arr = []
        for i in self.data:
            keys = [*i.keys()]
            values = [*i]
            values = [self.to_timestamp(d) for d in values]
            arr.append(dict(zip(keys, values)))
        return arr



Python 3.7+ in 2023

http://docs.python.org/3/library/dataclasses.html” decorator to the model and Defin atom JSON seriesizer, when json.dumps 工作(通过向<代码>cl/code>提供海关编码)。 以下例子:<代码>db_row。 DB 班级:

json.dumps(db_row, cls=models.CustomJSONEncoder)
{"id": 25, "name": "A component", "author": "Bob", "modified": "2023-02-08T11:49:15.675837"}



from datetime import datetime
import dataclasses
import json
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, DateTime
from database import Base

@dataclasses.dataclass # <<-- add this decorator 
class DB(Base):
    """Model used for SQLite database entries."""

    __tablename__ = "components"

    id: int = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, index=True)
    name: str = Column(String)
    author: str = Column(String)
    modified: datetime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), default=datetime.utcnow)

class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): # <<-- Add this custom encoder 
    """Custom JSON encoder for the DB class."""

    def default(self, o):
        if dataclasses.is_dataclass(o): # this serializes anything dataclass can handle  
            return dataclasses.asdict(o)
        if isinstance(o, datetime): # this adds support for datetime
            return o.isoformat()
        return super().default(o)


与utf-8一道在序列化炉cho中建造的,不能使某些投入的开端变得无效。 相反,我接着说:

def row_to_dict(row):
    temp = row.__dict__
    temp.pop( _sa_instance_state , None)
    return temp

def rows_to_list(rows):
    ret_rows = []
    for row in rows:
    return ret_rows

@website_blueprint.route( /api/v1/some/endpoint , methods=[ GET ])
def some_api():
    rows = rows_to_list(SomeModel.query.all())
    response = app.response_class(
        mimetype= application/json 
    return response


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy import Table

class Custom:
    """Some custom logic here!"""

    __table__: Table  # def for mypy

    def __tablename__(cls):  # pylint: disable=no-self-argument
        return cls.__name__  # pylint: disable= no-member

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        """Serializes only column data."""
        return {c.name: getattr(self, c.name) for c in self.__table__.columns}

Base = declarative_base(cls=Custom)

class MyOwnTable(Base):

所有物体均有<代码>to_dict 方法

在使用一些原 s和未定义的物体时,使用cursor.description 我似乎想到的是:

with connection.cursor() as cur:
    for item in cur.fetchall():
        row = {column.name: item[i] for i, column in enumerate(cur.description)}

这是一份<条码>JSONEncoder的版本,该版本保存了模型栏目,只保留了经过重新界定的栏目和关系领域。 该表还以大多数JSON的不可再生类型编排:

import json
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

import arrow
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import DeclarativeMeta

class SQLAlchemyJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    SQLAlchemy ORM JSON Encoder
    If you have a "backref" relationship defined in your SQLAlchemy model,
    this encoder raises a ValueError to stop an infinite loop.

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, datetime):
            return arrow.get(obj).isoformat()
        elif isinstance(obj, Decimal):
            return float(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, set):
            return sorted(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj.__class__, DeclarativeMeta):
            for attribute, relationship in obj.__mapper__.relationships.items():
                if isinstance(relationship.__getattribute__("backref"), tuple):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f {obj.__class__} object has a "backref" relationship  
                        "that would cause an infinite loop!"
            dictionary = {}
            column_names = [column.name for column in obj.__table__.columns]
            for key in column_names:
                value = obj.__getattribute__(key)
                if isinstance(value, datetime):
                    value = arrow.get(value).isoformat()
                elif isinstance(value, Decimal):
                    value = float(value)
                elif isinstance(value, set):
                    value = sorted(value)
                dictionary[key] = value
            for key in [
                for attribute in dir(obj)
                if not attribute.startswith("_")
                and attribute != "metadata"
                and attribute not in column_names
                value = obj.__getattribute__(key)
                dictionary[key] = value
            return dictionary

        return super().default(obj)

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