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客户与伙伴关系之间的传输数据。 NET 4.0
原标题:Sending data between client with ASP.NET 4.0
  • 时间:2011-02-21 07:49:08
  •  标签:
  • asp.net
  • push

Please help me think of solution here.

I m 改观彩票申请到协会。 NET。

In lotus note, we can pass the application(data) from staff to his/her manager for approval. The staff can also check status of his/her data whether the manager is opening it, approved it or not.

This process can be done in real time. I mean on the staff screen he/she will see status is changing from data sent --> manager is opening --> manager accepted or manager rejected it.


Now, in asp.net, i m thinking of sending data from staff to manager directly. I don t want manager s web browser need to do polling for every xx millisecond. I m not quite too sure it can be done or not in asp.net because i m not the WEB guy.

在进行了一段时间的研究之后,我发现,这可能有助于我,但似乎很难。 我不知道这个问题是否适合我的问题,或者有人可以引导我对此有一个更好的想法。

简言之, 有什么解决办法,即应该利用这一问题来实现我的目标?




I m 通过XMPP进行实时交流。 有一个名为“jabber.net,在此背景下,你可以形成习惯的jabberclients。 它非常容易执行、可靠和迅速。 在我的案件中,用户甚至知道他实际上在背景中进行聊天。 如信息在标准网络控制中所示。 信息自动生成。

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