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原标题:Iron Speed Designer



我在“铁速”网站上看到,我必须使用“地图”现场方言表。 然而,我无法在数据库上找到这一选择。

Some times it happens to me also.. But I use Rebuild All and some times I have to use Regenerate and Reload Stored Procedures.
That solved for me.

Here is how in version 8. Rename the field in the DB. Scan for schema changes. Then go to the databases tab. Find your field, it should show the old name as (deleted) and the new name as (added). Select the new version. Then in the properties pane on the right at the top you should see a "Map field to" option. Click the three dots at the end and you should get a box pop up there you can select the old field.


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