English 中文(简体)
原标题:For loop / over written variable
  Program to calculate trip and plan flights
#define TRIP 6
#define NUMLEG 10 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int input_trip(void);
int input_leg(int travel_leg[NUMLEG], int index);
char input_travel_type(char leg_type[TRIP][NUMLEG], int n, int index, int leg_num);
int main(void)
  int  row, col, trip_num, index, travel_leg[NUMLEG], leg_num, n; 
  char leg_type[TRIP][NUMLEG];
  trip_num = input_trip();
  for (index =0; index < trip_num; index++)
      leg_num = input_leg(travel_leg,index);

      printf("At Trip Number:%d
", index);
      printf("Number of legs %d
", leg_num );

      printf("A Airplane
      printf("R Train and rail travel
      printf("B Bus
      printf("C Car
      printf("F Ferry
      printf("S Cruise ship
      printf("M Motorcycle
      printf("Y Bicycle
      printf("T Boat other than a ferry or cruise ship
      printf("D Dirigible
      printf("O Other
      printf("NOTE!!:Please using capital letters (case sensitive).

      for (n = 0; n < leg_num; n ++)
      printf("At leg Number%d
", n);
      input_travel_type(leg_type, n, index, leg_num);

  for (index = 0; index < trip_num; index++)
      printf("Trip#:%d Num_leg:%d ", index+1, travel_leg[index]);
      for (n = 0;  n < leg_num ; n++)
    printf("Leg_type(#%d):%c ",n+1, leg_type[index][n]);


  return 0;

int input_trip(void)
  int trip_num;

  printf("Please enter the number of trips:");
  scanf("%d", &trip_num);
  // if( (trip_num <= TRIP) && (trip_num >= 3))
  if( (trip_num <= TRIP) && (trip_num >=1) ) 
      return trip_num;

      while ((trip_num < 1) || ( trip_num > TRIP))
      printf("Invalid number of trip. (Min of 3 trips and Max 6 trips).
");  /*input number of trips*/
      printf("Please enter the number of trips:");
      scanf("%d", &trip_num);
      if( (trip_num <= TRIP) && (trip_num >= 1))
          return trip_num;

int input_leg(int travel_leg[NUMLEG], int index)
  int leg_num, i;
  char travel_type, checkA, A, R, B, C, F, S, M, Y, T, D, O;

  printf("Please enter the number of legs in your trip:");
  scanf("%d", &leg_num);
  if ( (leg_num <= NUMLEG) && (leg_num > 0) )
      return leg_num;
      while ( (leg_num < 0) || (leg_num > NUMLEG))
      printf("Invalid number of legs(min 1 and max 10 legs).
      printf("Please enter the number of legs in your trip:");
      scanf("%d", &leg_num);
      if ( (leg_num <= NUMLEG) && (leg_num > 0) )
          return leg_num;

char input_travel_type(char leg_type[TRIP][NUMLEG], int n, int index, int leg_num)
  char travel_type, checkA;
  printf("Please enter the leg type for leg#%d:", n+1);
  scanf("%c", &travel_type);
  checkA = ( (travel_type ==  A ) || (travel_type ==  R ) || (travel_type ==  B ) || 
         (travel_type ==  C ) || (travel_type ==  F ) || (travel_type ==  S ) ||
         (travel_type ==  M ) || (travel_type ==  Y ) || (travel_type ==  T ) ||
         (travel_type ==  D ) || (travel_type ==  0 ) );

  if (checkA == 1)
      while (checkA != 1)
      printf("Please enter the leg type for leg#%d:", n+1);
      scanf("%c", &travel_type);
      checkA = ( (travel_type ==  A ) || (travel_type ==  R ) || (travel_type ==  B ) || 
             (travel_type ==  C ) || (travel_type ==  F ) || (travel_type ==  S ) ||
             (travel_type ==  M ) || (travel_type ==  Y ) || (travel_type ==  T ) ||
             (travel_type ==  D ) || (travel_type ==  0 ) );

      if (checkA == 1)



(n = 0; n < leg_num ; n++) 页: 1

<><> >>>>


Trip#:1 Num_leg:3 Leg_type(#1):C Leg_type(#2):B 
Trip#:2 Num_leg:2 Leg_type(#1):A Leg_type(#2):R 

Trip#:1 Num_leg:1 Leg_type(#1):S Leg_type(#2): 
Trip#:2 Num_leg:2 Leg_type(#1):F Leg_type(#2):S 

所有其他工作都很出色,因为我沿途做了印刷发言,以检查是否是问题,但却是问题。 我正想将“南”带入一个阵列,但并不肯定如何去做,此外,这是家务劳动的一部分,我们的教授正在限制几乎所有东西,而只是基本通道。

  printf("Trip#:%d Num_leg:%d ", index+1, travel_leg[index]);
  for (n = 0;  n < leg_num ; n++)


  printf("Trip#:%d Num_leg:%d ", index+1, travel_leg[index]);
  for (n = 0;  n < travel_leg[index] ; n++)


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