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原标题:Button HTML will not submit form in IE7


<form id="orderform" name"orderForm" action="http://www.mydomain.com/secure/delivery-details.html" method="post">
<a  id="add">+</a>
 <table id="ordertable" width="533" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
    <tr class="titles">
      <td style="width:100px">Code (e.g 66203)</td>
      <td style="width:100px">Mtrs (e.g 10)</td>
      <td style="width:100px">Order Line Ref.</td>
    <tr class="item">
      <td class="prodcode"><input type="text" name="prodcode[]" id="prodcode" class="trigger" /></td>
      <td class="meterage"><input type="text" name="meterage[]" id="meterage" /></td>
      <td class="orderlineref"><input type="text" name="orderlineref[]" id="orderlineref" /></td>
      <td class="imgsample"></td>
  <button type="button" value="submit">Submit</button>

Try <button category=“submit” Value=“submit”>Submit</button>


纽托邦本身不会发挥作用,因为它没有相关行动。 物体的超文本处理

<input type="submit" name="submitter" value="Submit"/>


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