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原标题:How do C self-hosts itself?

Anyone knows the complete chain of operations from .c source code to finally an executable .exe?

I ve 下载了gcc的源头,发现其c-parser.y也在c中写成:

    | datadef
    | ASM_KEYWORD  (  expr  )   ; 
        { STRIP_NOPS ($3);
          if ((TREE_CODE ($3) == ADDR_EXPR
               && TREE_CODE (TREE_OPERAND ($3, 0)) == STRING_CST)
              || TREE_CODE ($3) == STRING_CST)
            assemble_asm ($3);
            error ("argument of `asm  is not a constant string"); }
    | extension extdef
        { pedantic = $<itype>1; }







  1. Use the other C compiler to create a first version of GCC - the GNU C Compiler.
    • This gives you a working copy of the new version of GCC (assuming the old compiler was serviceable).
    • It is not, however, identical the compiler that (the new version of) GCC would produce, except by implausible accident.
  2. Use the first version of GCC to create a second version of GCC.
    • The second version of GCC is the (obviously) the code that GCC would generate. This is the benchmark version.
    • However, it has not yet been shown that this is stable.
  3. Use the second version of GCC to create a third version of GCC.
    • The second version of GCC should produce the same output for the third version of GCC.
  4. Ensure that the second and third versions of GCC are the same.
    • On some platforms, the object files contain compilation times; clearly, the compilation time has to discount differences in compilation time.
    • Assuming that the second and third versions are the same , then we know that GCC can produce itself from its own source code.
    • It is now safe to use the new version of GCC to build the various runtime libraries, and the other compilers in the family.
  5. Build the other parts of the GNU Compiler Collection with the new C compiler.
    • Most people do not restrict the GNU Compiler Collection to just the C compiler.
    • Typically, they also produce the C++ and Java (and usually Objective C) compilers too.
    • And you need the Standard C++ Library support too.
    • Usually, the C compiler uses the C library provide by the platform.

你们感到惊讶的是,C汇编者是在C撰写的? 一位专家在撰写汇编者时会使用什么其他语言?

很显然的鸡蛋问题仅在很久以前就发生过一次,当时完全有no汇编器。 之后,有人不得不在组装上写一个字(在有人在机器编码中写了第一个组装机:-)

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