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Obj-C 科拉通知NSApplicationDidResigniveNoification
原标题:Obj-C Cocoa Notification NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification

I ve a class called AppController.h/m I want to make something when the NSNotificationDidResignActiveNotification is sent. So i wrote this code in AppController.m:

-(void) initialize(){
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
                                                   object:nil ];


-(void) applicationDidResignActive (NSNotification*) note{


+[AppController applicationDidResignActive:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x61c4

I can t get where the problem is: could you help me?
Thank you!


。 我不知道这一点,但似乎在使用一种班级方法的甄选者时,也假定甄选者将是一种班级方法(理由良好)。 主计长采用一种称为<代码>的申请方法 Did Resignive ,但并非一类方法。


- (void)init
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
                                                   object:nil ];


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