我在控制诸如微镜等成像硬件所使用的软件方面做了工作,这些软件有时难以投入时间。 这意味着难以测试新的/不同算法,而这种算法需要查阅仪器。 因此,我想创建一种合成工具,用于其中一些测试目的。 我正在考虑使用某种相片图像生成合成图像。 关键在于能够以某种决定性的方式在许多不同的放大和地点产生特征。 这是因为一些正在测试的算法可能需要泛地/流放和迁移以前图像区。 在这些基本图像上,我可以应用任何适当的仪器缺陷(焦点、噪音、饱和等)。
I m在如何选择/实施一个优细算法对基体图像进行选择或实施损失的轨道上。 希望得到任何帮助。 最好具有以下特性:
- Be fast at rendering new image areas.
- Fairly wide feature coverage at as many locations and scales as possible.
- Be deterministic (but initialized from random starting parameters).
- Ability to tune to make images look more like real images.
Edit: @Jeffrey - So it sounds like some kind of terrain generation might be the way to go, as long as I have complete control over the PSRNG. Perhaps I can use some stored initial seed + x position + y position to generate my random numbers? But then I am unsure of how to consistently generate the terrains across scales, except, as you mentioned, to create the base terrain at the coursest scale, and at certain pre-determined magnifications add new deterministic pseudo-random variations to this base. I d also have to be careful about when to generate the next level of terrain, since if I m too aggressive I d have to generate and integrate the results appropriately for display at the coarser level... This is why I initially was leaning toward a more traditional fractal, since this integration from finer scales would be handled more implicitly (I think).