I want to get automatically latest youtube videos from a category (in 1hour checks) and store the last 10 in db table,then with php to make mysql query to show the last 3 on my home page.i want to play the videos with myplayer and if it s too hard i will use the youtube one. So for 12 hours = 120 videos automatically from 1 category and u can see latest 3 (from 12th hour) at my home page.
Okay so more details: I found a rss feed with channel that needed , i found a code but isn t really working:http://code.google.com/p/rssingest/ the code suppose to get rss info and store it into db and also the file contents info how to add it into cron job, so i can use it automatically in eg. 1hour so far i need help with this problem(download the file and pls take a look before answer):Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in ....index_clean.php on line 154