English 中文(简体)
1. 重述
原标题:Restoring a volume from a snapshot
  • 时间:2011-03-11 20:02:43
  •  标签:
  • amazon-ec2




What s the best process to do this?




如果你有一个连续的EC2号案例,而且你想把它恢复到先前的黑体中被俘的国家,那么,你需要停止这种说法,删除其目前的数量,从头版中产生新的数量,把新卷的篇幅加在你身上,重新开始你的工作。 此外,在规定新卷的可用区和该卷的贴切/重标时的装置名称周围还有两条微妙之处。


The following bash script is notable for production use, as it lacks any mis-eck and it only use sleep rather than Poll to ensure AWS directs have contributed. 但它确实成功地执行了所有这些步骤:


set -e


# begin execution

echo "Gathering information about the instance"
DEVICE_NAME=`ec2-describe-instance-attribute ${INSTANCE_ID} --block-device-mapping | awk  {print $2} `
OLD_VOLUME_ID=`ec2-describe-instance-attribute ${INSTANCE_ID} --block-device-mapping | awk  {print $3} `
echo "Found instance ${INSTANCE_ID} has volume ${OLD_VOLUME_ID} on device ${DEVICE_NAME}"

echo "Creating new volume from snapshot"
AVAILABILITY_ZONE=`ec2-describe-availability-zones --filter state=available | head -n 1 | awk  {print $2} `
VOLUME_ID=`ec2-create-volume --availability-zone ${AVAILABILITY_ZONE} --snapshot ${SNAPSHOT_ID} | awk  {print $2} `
echo "Created new volume: ${VOLUME_ID}"

sleep 20

echo "Stopping the instance"
ec2-stop-instances $INSTANCE_ID

sleep 20

echo "Detaching current volume"
ec2-detach-volume $OLD_VOLUME_ID --instance $INSTANCE_ID --device $DEVICE_NAME

sleep 20

echo "Attaching new volume"
ec2-attach-volume $VOLUME_ID  --instance $INSTANCE_ID --device $DEVICE_NAME

sleep 20

echo "Starting the instance"
ec2-start-instances $INSTANCE_ID

我已触及到“algal”提供的文字,以使用 a子和投票,而不是睡觉。 还将研究特定数量的最新概况。


set -e


echo "Gathering information about the instance"
BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPING=`aws ec2 describe-instance-attribute --instance-id ${RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID} --attribute blockDeviceMapping`
DEVICE_NAME=`echo ${BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPING} | jq  .BlockDeviceMappings[0].DeviceName  | tr -d  " `
OLD_VOLUME_ID=`echo ${BLOCK_DEVICE_MAPPING} | jq  .BlockDeviceMappings[0].Ebs.VolumeId  | tr -d  " `
AVAILABILITY_ZONE=`aws ec2 describe-instances --filters "Name=instance-id,Values= ${RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID} " | jq  .Reservations[0].Instances[0].Placement.AvailabilityZone  | tr -d  " `
LATEST_SNAPSHOT_ID=`aws ec2 describe-snapshots --filter "Name=volume-id,Values= ${SNAPSHOT_VOLUME_ID} " | jq  .[]|max_by(.StartTime)|.SnapshotId  | tr -d  " `
echo "Found instance ${RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID} in ${AVAILABILITY_ZONE} has volume ${OLD_VOLUME_ID} on device ${DEVICE_NAME}"

echo "Creating new volume from snapshot ${LATEST_SNAPSHOT_ID}"
NEW_VOLUME_ID=`aws ec2 create-volume --region eu-west-1 --availability-zone ${AVAILABILITY_ZONE} --snapshot-id ${LATEST_SNAPSHOT_ID} | jq  .VolumeId  | tr -d  " `
echo "Created new volume ${NEW_VOLUME_ID}"

aws ec2 wait volume-available --volume-ids $NEW_VOLUME_ID

echo "Stopping the instance"
aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids $RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID

aws ec2 wait instance-stopped --instance-ids $RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID

echo "Detaching current volume"
aws ec2 detach-volume --volume-id $OLD_VOLUME_ID --instance-id $RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID

aws ec2 wait volume-available --volume-ids $OLD_VOLUME_ID

echo "Attaching new volume"
aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id $NEW_VOLUME_ID --instance-id $RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID --device $DEVICE_NAME

aws ec2 wait volume-in-use --volume-ids $NEW_VOLUME_ID

echo "Starting the instance"
aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids $RECOVERY_INSTANCE_ID



1. 用从小体中产生的新卷取代对一例的附加量:

  1. Create a volume from the snapshot in the same availability zone the instance is in (right click on snapshot and click "create volume from snapshot")
  2. Best to stop the instance to avoid any application from crashing. Wait until instance is stopped.
  3. Write down the exact device name of the original volume (it is written in the AWS console under instances view or volumes view)
  4. Detach the old volume, delete it afterwards if you don t need it.
  5. Attach the newly created volume (from the snapshot) to the instance with the same device name.
  6. Start the instance again



  1. Pick an instance. EC2 tab | INSTANCES | Instances.
  2. Make a note of the EC2 machine’s availability zone.


  1. Find the snapshot you want to copy files from and tick the box. ELASTIC BLOCK STORE | Snapshots
  2. Click the Create Volume button and fill in the fields. o The Size must be bigger than the snapshot size (free micro-instances get an 8GB volume). o The Availability Zone must be the same as the EC2 machine’s. o The Snapshot is already selected, more or less like snap12345678 - my description.
  3. Click the Yes, Create button. A new line appears in the Volumes table. ELASTIC BLOCK STORE | Volumes


  1. Click the Attach Volume button and fill in the fields.
  2. The Volume value is already there.
  3. Pick your machine name i-12345678 (running) from the drop-down list of Instances.
  4. The Devices field shows the first available device name, like /dev/sdf. Does anyone bother changing this value?
  5. Click the Yes, Create button. A new device magically appears on the EC2 machine.
  6. Close the AWS console.

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