English 中文(简体)
• 如何防止男子在扫描时 gl觉,但接收特性(C)
原标题:How to prevent menus from glitching when scanf expects an int but receives characters (C)


scanf("%d", &cont);

Normally I add the getchar() to prevent the program from infinite looping (reading off the character from the buffer). However, when used with a menu following this statement the extra characters are read in and any scanfs following the character input (up to the number of characters input) are skipped.

What I want to figure out is how to prevent it from skipping forward through several sections of my program when it reads in a type of input other than an int. Would this be best solved by putting it inside of a loop that won t continue until the variable is in the expected domain?


考虑使用<代码>fgets和scanf。 因此,只有这条线而不是整个线。

Check the value returned by scanf. The return value indicates the number variables that were assigned to. If you re expecting an int and the user types in a character, scanf should return zero.

Try including a %*s” submissionspecifier. 见

不用读体,只读一个插图,将其改为几个(马托尼)。 可能出现的两个问题:

  1. Char buffer not big enough. To prevent this you can read char by char from the input and realloc the buffer if necessary.
  2. String is not a number. Atoi will return some default value (0 or -1, don t remember). You just have to check the string somehow.

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