Xcode -> Help -> Documentation: look under AppKit Reference and Foundation Reference. 我确信在“pple”网站上有类似文件。
http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENT/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaFundamentals/WhatIsCocoa/WhatIsCocoa/WhatIsCocoa.html#/apple_ref/doc/uid/TP42974-CH3-SW40”rel=“nofollow noretinger”级:和 http://developer.apple.com/DOCUMENTATION/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaFundamentals/Introduction/Introduction.html“rel=“nofollow noretinger”>。
无口可言 Lee写道,这种方法对快速方法参考非常有用,称为AppKiDo:
rel=“nofollow noreferer” http://homepage.mac.com/aglee/downloads/appkido.html
如果你只是想禁止一份所有客观的 c级清单,而开端
grep -Rho "@interface [a-zA-Z]+" /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms | cut -d" " -f2 | awk !a[$0]++ | sort
You will need Xcode installed. This will take a while but covers all platforms (macOS, tvOS, watchOS etc). To just target a particular platform adjust the path accordingly. So for just macOS change:
或者你可以将其进一步缩小到一个特定框架。 还将为议定书开展工作。 Just change the @interface for @protocol.
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