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swfobject &闪光——显示装饰吗?
原标题:swfobject & flash -- display loading animation?

我会问,在热点准备显示之前,是否很容易显示装物的消im? 在这一情况下,Im装载着一个嵌入的Issuu物体,你可以看到一个实例,表明Issuu通过Swfobject 。 根据您的连接速度,通常只有一个空白的白色空间,而热点物体的负荷则很大,如果可能的话,用负荷估算表示进展。 我会想象一下,“贵爱”会在这里服务。



In your embed code, you not only pass an id of the tag you want to be replaced by the swf (idOfTagToReplace), but also an id of the tag replacing it (issuuViewer). Right after your call to swfobject, style the latter tag as you like.

var attributes = {
    id:  issuuViewer 

var params = {
    allowfullscreen:  true ,
    menu:  false ,
    wmode:  transparent 

var flashvars = {
    jsAPIClientDomain:  www.yourdomain.dk ,
    mode:  mini ,
    documentId:  081219132433-764a1eafce5141fda136d10d58bd45f5 


var obj = document.getElementById( issuuViewer );
obj.style.backgroundImage =  url(/img/loading.gif) ;
obj.style.backgroundRepeat =  no-repeat ;
obj.style.backgroundPosition =  50% 50% ;

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