English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to calculate a standard deviation [array] [duplicate]
double[] someDoubles = { 34.6, 45.1, 55.5, 78.5, 84.66, **1400.32**, 99.04, 103.99 };

以上守则是累积算法意想不到的行为的简短样本(见黑体值)。 实际上,这组人也拥有每个价值的日期。

C# Calculate a deviation? Algorithm that sort out the rows who breaks the cumulative chain?



To clarify, this is about three things
Performance is really important on this topic.

First: Fast-Scan if the values follows a cumulative pattern.
Second: Check if all values goes into a reasonable deviation.
Third: Point out and do error handling.




double average = someDoubles.Average();
double sumOfSquaresOfDifferences = someDoubles.Select(val => (val - average) * (val - average)).Sum();
double sd = Math.Sqrt(sumOfSquaresOfDifferences / someDoubles.Length); 


如果有<代码>List<double>,则使用<代码>一些Doubles。 代码上最后一行的而不是susles.Length


To calculate standard deviation you can use this code. Taken directly from Calculate Standard Deviation of Double Variables in C# by Victor Chen.

private double getStandardDeviation(List<double> doubleList)  
   double average = doubleList.Average();  
   double sumOfDerivation = 0;  
   foreach (double value in doubleList)  
      sumOfDerivation += (value) * (value);  
   double sumOfDerivationAverage = sumOfDerivation / (doubleList.Count - 1);  
   return Math.Sqrt(sumOfDerivationAverage - (average*average));  

http://www.victorchen.info/calculate-standard-deviation-of-double-variables-in-c/“rel=“noreferer”>link to Victor ssite已不再可行,但仍包括帮助维持归属。

鉴于外人,你可能会发现interquarless range比标准偏离更为有用。 比较简单,可以计算:仅仅区分数字,在75%和25%的基数中找到数值的区别。

在VB。 Net, Code for Standard Deviation, Z-Score, and NormSDist. 我删除并沿用了工作守则,并修改了该守则,使之更为笼统。 我本可以提出问题。 此外,我还不是听说过的。

Public Property SumOfSquaresOfDifferences As Double   calculated elsewhere

Public ReadOnly Property StdOfTotalMatches As Double
        If NumberOfTickets = 0 Then Return 0
        Return Math.Sqrt(SumOfSquaresOfDifferences / NumberOfTickets)
    End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property zScoreOfTotalMatches As Double
        If StdOfTotalMatches = 0 Then Return 0
        Return (TotalMatches / NumberOfTickets - AverageMatches) / StdOfTotalMatches
    End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property NormSDistOfTotalMatches As Double
        Return NormSDist(zScoreOfTotalMatches)
    End Get
End Property

Public ReadOnly Property AverageMatches As Double
        Return If(NumberOfTickets, TotalMatches / NumberOfTickets, 0)
    End Get
End Property

Shared Function NormSDist(ByVal zScore As Double) As Double
    Dim ErfResult As Double = Erf(zScore / Math.Sqrt(2.0))
    Dim res As Double = ErfResult + (1 - ErfResult) / 2
    Return If(zScore < 0, 1 - res, res)
End Function

Shared Function Erf(ByVal n As Double) As Double

    Dim t As Double = 1.0 / (1.0 + 0.5 * Math.Abs(n))

      use Horner s method - thanks to http://bytes.com/topic/c-sharp/answers/240995-normal-distribution
    Dim d As Double = 1 - t * Math.Exp(-n * n - 1.26551223 + _
    t * (1.00002368 + _
    t * (0.37409196 + _
    t * (0.09678418 + _
    t * (-0.18628806 + _
    t * (0.27886807 + _
    t * (-1.13520398 + _
    t * (1.48851587 + _
    t * (-0.82215223 + _
    t * (0.17087277))))))))))

     Return If(d >= 0, d, 1 - d)
    Return d

End Function

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