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原标题:python+windows automation - windows glitch sometimes

I m automating some windows stuff with Python, using PIL to take screenshots and such. the issue is that sometimes, deep in some function, I ll do a time.sleep(1) and the GUI app I m interfacing with will freeze for that second. This is weird cause doing time.sleep in other places doesn t cause the freeze. I haven t been able to determine exactly what causes the freeze and what doesn t.. it s happened both in threads besides the main thread and in the main thread.

任何想法? 我感到,像“冷静”功能一样,我只需要使沙德停止它所做的一切,让目标明确的“倡议”恢复,更新和处理投入,然后把它带回沙里。 这样做有什么作用? (窗口Sleep功能似乎与python s time.sleep。)


I feel I just need like a "chill out" function to cause Python to stop whatever it is it s doing, let the targeted UI recover and refresh and process input, then bring it back to Python. What function would do that?

电话sleep((>)(其中任何一种变量)将阻止执行你称之为的透镜。 如果你愿意在这一read子中做出反应,这只是你想要做的最后一件事。 简言之,一旦你睡觉,你就可以做任何事情!

When you have non-responsive user interface, that indicates that a long-running task is executing in the thread which processes the UI, or the UI thread is blocking. So, to follow the logic through, if your 1 second sleeps (they are really dozes rather than proper sleeps!) are causing the UI to hang, they must be occurring in the same thread as the UI, or a thread which the UI is waiting.

我并不真正知道你是如何利用临时自治机构的,以及你如何与你正在 scrap弃的形象的人互动,但你似乎不大可能加入其他进程。 因此,我猜测,这一进程正等待着你。 如果是这样,解决你的问题就没有真正的捷径。 你们只需要花费较少的时间做你正在做的事情。 电话sleep()只会使情况恶化。

电话Switch ToThread() 也可大有助益。 这样做是为了让另一个人(如果有一个人等待并准备运行),但你希望你们的read能够运行。 它取得了巨大进步,因为该系统将知道,你的read子想要运行,并将在适当时候再次安排。

底线是,你有守则,在阻碍这一进程的团结互助会进程中运作。 你只是需要尽快做到,以尽量减少干扰。


Since it s difficult to delegate to the application s main message pump, traditionally most long-running tasks call their own temporary message pump.

def process_messages():
    msg = wintypes.MSG ()
    while user32.GetMessageA (byref (msg), None, 0, 0) != 0:  
        user32.TranslateMessage (byref (msg))
        user32.DispatchMessageA (byref (msg))

微软-带式版本是:。 该法典将举办活动,介绍启动你read子的申请书,并在事件发生时返回。


简言之,在请您自发的<条码>程序_messages (功能时,如以视力基本语文和其他几个视窗语文做的那样,请你做上述工作,并避免打电话<条码>sleep(<>>)。

p.s. 只有在你重新等待任务完成之前,你才能把电泵抽出。

Oh Switch ToThread 似乎有希望。 或载于Adhury lingo,ctypes.windll.kernel32.Switch ToThread(

EDIT:Hmm don t 似乎完全如此......

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