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原标题:Redirecting when user presses refresh button or back button

一旦用户报章复读或浏览器回子,我就希望将用户转至一个网页,以便重新启动申请。 我的 j文法如下:

var workIsDone = false;
window.onbeforeunload =confirmBrowseAway;
function confirmBrowseAway()
  if (!workIsDone) {
     alert("You are moving to choice page");

function abc(){
<div align="center"><input class="button blue" type="Submit" value="Next" onClick="abc()"></div>

但我不知道为什么不工作。 我不想使用确认箱。

Followup: I have updated the code a bit. Its taking the user to choice page and asking to remain on the choice page or carry on with the work. But when user click OK to carry on the work, the last submitted data is again submitted.

  function confirmBrowseAway()
     if (!workIsDone) {
      return "Since you pressed refresh or back button, you are on start page again.";

Doing some here and there changes in the solution window.onbeforeunload may fire multiple times worked for me. Thank you all, Sunil Chauhan



<script language="javascript">
function document.onkeydown() {
if (event.keyCode == 116) {
   alert("MOVING AWAY");
   event.keyCode = 0; 
   event.cancelBubble = true; 
   return false; } 

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