English 中文(简体)
• 如何利用互联网和Lob 定位器撰写LONG RAW数据?
原标题:How to write LONG RAW data using OCI and Lob locator?

I want to fix zeoslib bug in writing long raw data bug description:

Memo1.Lines.LoadFromFile( c:	DbcMetadata.pas ); // file size ~ 170Kb
ZQuery1.SQL.Text :=  insert into t1(id, b) values(10, :p1) ;
ZQuery1.Params[0].AsBlob := Memo1.Lines.Text;



    sql: string;
    Handle: POCIStmt;
    ErrorHandle: POCIError;
    conn: IZOracleConnection;
    FPlainDriver: IZOraclePlainDriver;
    BindHandle, buff: Pointer;
    Status,buflen: integer;
    lob: POCILobLocator;
    sql :=  insert into t1(id, b) values(10, :p1) ;
    conn := ZConnection1.DbcConnection as IZOracleConnection;
    FPlainDriver := conn.GetPlainDriver;

    with TFileStream.Create( c:	DbcMetadata.pas , fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone) do
      buflen := Size;
      GetMem(buff, buflen);
      ReadBuffer(buff^, buflen);

    AllocateOracleStatementHandles(FPlainDriver, conn, Handle, ErrorHandle);
      PrepareOracleStatement(FPlainDriver, sql, Handle, ErrorHandle);

      Status := FPlainDriver.DescriptorAlloc(conn.GetConnectionHandle, lob,
        OCI_DTYPE_LOB, 0, nil);
      CheckOracleError(FPlainDriver, conn.GetErrorHandle,
        Status, lcOther,  Open Large Object );

      Status := FPlainDriver.LobCreateTemporary(conn.GetContextHandle,
        conn.GetErrorHandle, lob, OCI_DEFAULT, OCI_DEFAULT,
      CheckOracleError(FPlainDriver, conn.GetErrorHandle,
        Status, lcOther,  Create Large Object );

      Status := FPlainDriver.LobOpen(conn.GetContextHandle,
        conn.GetErrorHandle, lob, OCI_LOB_READWRITE);
      CheckOracleError(FPlainDriver, conn.GetErrorHandle,
        Status, lcOther,  Open Large Object );

      Status := FPlainDriver.LobWrite(conn.GetContextHandle,
        conn.GetErrorHandle, lob, buflen, 1,
        buff, buflen, OCI_ONE_PIECE, nil, nil, 0, SQLCS_IMPLICIT);
      CheckOracleError(FPlainDriver, conn.GetErrorHandle,
        Status, lcOther,  Write Large Object );

      Status := FPlainDriver.LobClose(conn.GetContextHandle,
        conn.GetErrorHandle, lob);
      CheckOracleError(FPlainDriver, conn.GetErrorHandle,
        Status, lcOther,  Close Large Object );

      Status := FPlainDriver.BindByPos(Handle, BindHandle,
        ErrorHandle, 1, @lob, SizeOf(POCILobLocator),
        SQLT_BLOB, nil, nil, nil, 0, nil,
      CheckOracleError(FPlainDriver, ErrorHandle, Status, lcExecute, sql);

      ExecuteOracleStatement(FPlainDriver, conn, sql, Handle, ErrorHandle);

      FPlainDriver.DescriptorFree(lob, OCI_DTYPE_LOB);
      FreeOracleStatementHandles(FPlainDriver, Handle, ErrorHandle);

使用龙虾收集长的原始数据吗? 如何?


LONG RAW has been deprecated since Oracle 8, IIRC. There is no advantage in using a LONG RAW column, and you can easily convert them using the TO_LOB function (if you can, of course). There was exactly a 2000 byte limit when loading a raw column through a raw variable or something alike, and I don t know if LOB locators were ever designed to work with RAW types, I guess they could perform some implicit translation, AFAIK RAW types were used without the LOB interface - and I would not mess things together.

您应使用QT。 相反,低排放量数据。


    ftBlob: begin
      oLength := Length(VData);
      if oLength<2000 then begin
        VDBTYPE := SQLT_BIN;
        oData := pointer(VData);
      end else begin
        VDBTYPE := SQLT_LVB;
        oData := Pointer(PtrInt(VData)-sizeof(Integer));

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