English 中文(简体)
无法将变数设定在 for形体内的价值(变数已申报)。 C#
原标题:Unable to have a variable be set a value inside of a foreach loop (the variable had been declared before it). C#
         int PositionEvalueation = 0;
         Move FirstDepth;
         Move SecondDepth;
        foreach (Move move in FirstDepthMoves)
            //Try a move
            Move[] SecondDepthMoves = board.GetLegalMoves();
            foreach (Move move1 in SecondDepthMoves)
                // Try a second move
                int CurrentEvaluation1 = EvaluatePosition(board, !IsBotWhite);
                // If move be good, then we memorize it
                if (CurrentEvaluation1 > PositionEvalueation)
                    //Record this to then play + for seeing its thinking procces in Console
                    FirstDepth = move;
                    SecondDepth = move1;

                    PositionEvalueation = CurrentEvaluation1;
        // Here it tells me that It didnt get the value assigned to FirstDepth and SecondDepth from foreach loop
        //Idk what to do else about it
        Console.WriteLine(EvaluatePosition(board, !IsBotWhite));
        Console.WriteLine(EvaluatePosition(board, !IsBotWhite));

在上述法典中,我宣布每 lo前的变数,而每 lo的变数则按预期价值计算。 但在那里,我试图写这封信,以便赶上这段话,并与它一道行动,却告诉我,这是没有签名的。


Move FirstDepth = moveToPlay; Move SecondDepth = moveToPlay;


For more context, this is part of my attempt at a tiny chess bot contest which was created by SebLeague. Here is a link to it: https://github.com/SebLague/Chess-Challenge Here is full file of MyBot:

using ChessChallenge.API;
using System;

public class MyBot : IChessBot
    const PieceType Pawn = (PieceType)1;
    const PieceType Knight = (PieceType)2;
    const PieceType Bishop = (PieceType)3;
    const PieceType Rook = (PieceType)4;
    const PieceType Queen = (PieceType)5;

    public Move Think(Board board, Timer timer)

        bool IsBotWhite = board.IsWhiteToMove;
        Move[] FirstDepthMoves = board.GetLegalMoves();

        Random rng = new();
        Move moveToPlay = FirstDepthMoves[rng.Next(FirstDepthMoves.Length)];
        int PositionEvalueation = 0;
         Move FirstDepth = moveToPlay;
         Move SecondDepth = moveToPlay;
        foreach (Move move in FirstDepthMoves)
            //Try a move

            FirstDepth = moveToPlay;
            SecondDepth = moveToPlay;
            Move[] SecondDepthMoves = board.GetLegalMoves();
            foreach (Move move1 in SecondDepthMoves)
                // Try a second move
                int CurrentEvaluation1 = EvaluatePosition(board, !IsBotWhite);
                // If move be good, then we memorize it
                if (CurrentEvaluation1 > PositionEvalueation)
                    //Record this to then play + for seeing its thinking procces in Console
                    FirstDepth = move;
                    SecondDepth = move1;

                    PositionEvalueation = CurrentEvaluation1;
        // Here it tells me that It didnt get the value assigned to FirstDepth and SecondDepth from foreach loop
        //Idk what to do else about it
        Console.WriteLine(EvaluatePosition(board, !IsBotWhite));
        Console.WriteLine(EvaluatePosition(board, !IsBotWhite));
        return FirstDepth;

    int EvaluatePosition(Board board, bool IsWhite)
        //the E stands for Enemy
        PieceList Pawns = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Pawn, white: IsWhite);
        PieceList Knights = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Knight, white: IsWhite);
        PieceList Bishops = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Bishop, white: IsWhite);
        PieceList Rooks = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Rook, white: IsWhite);
        PieceList Queens = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Queen, white: IsWhite);
        bool IsWhiteE = !IsWhite;
        PieceList PawnsE = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Pawn, white: IsWhiteE);
        PieceList KnightsE = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Knight, white: IsWhiteE);
        PieceList BishopsE = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Bishop, white: IsWhiteE);
        PieceList RooksE = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Rook, white: IsWhiteE);
        PieceList QueensE = board.GetPieceList(pieceType: Queen, white: IsWhiteE);
        int TotalEval = ((Pawns.Count * 1) + (Knights.Count * 3) + (Bishops.Count * 3) + (Rooks.Count * 5) + (Queens.Count * 9)) - ((PawnsE.Count * 1) + (KnightsE.Count * 3) + (BishopsE.Count * 3) + (RooksE.Count * 5) + (QueensE.Count * 9));

        if (board.IsDraw())
            TotalEval = -100;
        else if (board.IsInCheckmate())
            TotalEval = 100;
        if (board.IsInCheck())
            TotalEval = TotalEval +  1;
        return -TotalEval;


//  Give these two a value
Move FirstDepth = null;
Move SecondDepth = null;


if (CurrentEvaluation1 > PositionEvalueation)


Hope this helps!

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