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原标题:Adding Event Listeners to an Array that Execute Drag and Drop Functions in AS3




var itemBank:Array = new Array(d1_anim.drawer1.test01.movieClip_1, d1_anim.drawer1.test01.movieClip_2);

for(var i:int = 0; i < itemBank.length; i++) {
    itemBank[i].buttonMode = true;
    itemBank[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
    itemBank[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropOff);
    trace("pickUp added to " + itemBank[i]);

function pickUp(event:MouseEvent):void
    trace("Draging " + event.target);


页: 1 添加到[影印片]

EDIT: Here is my fla, I give up. I don t know why it wont work. Please help. [Download it here](Edit: removed download link)


Your current code has been tested and works fine. The error must be somewhere else.

如果能下载<<><><>><><>>><>>>>>>>>file/Xlh >p/Drag_rop_Demo. > rel>>>>>>>>>>>> Drag & (Sames ,这只是“the ́s”)。

http://www.un.org。 在这方面,我对你的法典作了修改,使之发挥作用。 阅读这些评论是为了更好地了解。 我还改变了<代码>d1_anim.drawer1.test01.hair1的登记点。 电影不单单单向上,而是需要这样做才能奏效。

import flash.display.MovieClip;
import com.reintroducing.ui.SliderUI; // Always have imports at top. It s a good practice.

var itemBank:Array = new Array(d1_anim.drawer1.test01.hair1);

for(var i:int = 0; i < itemBank.length; i++) {
    itemBank[i].buttonMode = true;
    itemBank[i].mouseChildren = false;// Added this line. For explanation go to: http://ryanbosinger.com/blog/2008/actionscript-3-eventtarget-returns-children-of-movieclip/
    itemBank[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, pickUp);
    itemBank[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropOff);
    trace("pickUp added to " + itemBank[i]);

function pickUp(e:MouseEvent):void
    trace("Draging " + e.currentTarget);
function dropOff(e:MouseEvent):void
    // --- Change  this  to  e.currentTarget  --- \
    e.currentTarget.x = mouseX;
    e.currentTarget.y = mouseY;
    e.currentTarget.width = 200;
    // --- Putting the target in a temporary variable made an error dissapear. --- \
    // --- I don t really know why and i don t really care either --- \
    var tempMC = e.currentTarget;
    d1_anim.visible = false;

And here is a link to the working .fla



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