English 中文(简体)
原标题:Best matches for a partially specified word in Python
  • 时间:2011-03-25 16:36:31
  •  标签:
  • python

I have a file dict.txt that has all words in the English language.




例: 如果部分字句满,清单将包含跑道、跑步、悬.、ro等等。



Instead of using _ to denote wildcards, use w instead. Add  to the beginning and end of the pattern, then just run the dictionary through a regexp matcher. So -un--- becomes:

>>> import re
>>> re.findall(r wunwww , "run runner bunt bunter bunted bummer")
[ runner ,  bunter ,  bunted ]

w 对应任何字体。 符合任何字边界。


一种解决办法可能是将档案(如果能够在合理时间内完成)编入一个树木结构,每个特性代表一个节点价值,每个儿童都是随后的特性。 然后,你可以把投入作为地图,verse树。 性格是接下来的路要走的,而干ash则意味着它应当包括所有的儿童节点。 每当你打上一页的深层时,你知道的那段话的长度就等于一页。

很幸运的是,一旦你指数化,你的搜索就会大大加快。 指数化可永远采用......

a. 记忆线,但这只是:

import re
import sys

word =  \b  + sys.argv[1].replace( - ,  \w ) +  \b 
print word

with open( data.txt ,  r ) as fh:
    print re.findall(word, fh.read())


首先是把你的字句放在“字句”的前面][字句][字句] = 字数(语句);然后,你的问询成为所有相关字数的交汇点。 非常快,但记忆密集,许多准备工作。

# search for  r-n 
matches = list(words[3][0][ r ] & words[3][2][ n ])


import re

foundMatch = re.compile( r.n ).match
matches = [word for word in allWords if foundMatch(word)]



with open( dictionary.txt ) as inf:
    all_words = [word.strip().lower() for word in inf]  # one word per line

find_word =  r-tt-r 
matching_words = []
for word in all_words:
    if len(word)==len(find_word):
        if all(find==ch or find== -  for find,ch in zip(find_word, word)):


from collections import defaultdict
import operator

    inp = raw_input    # Python 2.x
except NameError:
    inp = input        # Python 3.x

class Words(object):
    def fromFile(cls, fname):
        with open(fname) as inf:
            return cls(inf)

    def __init__(self, words=None):
        self.words = set()
        self.index = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set)))
        _addword = self.addWord
        for word in words:

    def addWord(self, word):
        _ind = self.index[len(word)]
        for ind,ch in enumerate(word):

    def findAll(self, pattern):
        pattern = pattern.strip().lower()
        _ind = self.index[len(pattern)]
        return reduce(operator.__and__, (_ind[ind][ch] for ind,ch in enumerate(pattern) if ch!= - ), self.words)

def main():
    print( Loading dict...  )
    words = Words.fromFile( dict.txt )
    print( done. )

    while True:
        seek = inp( Enter partial word ("-" is wildcard, nothing to exit):  ).strip()
        if seek:
            print("Matching words: "+   .join(words.findAll(seek))+ 

if __name__=="__main__":

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