English 中文(简体)
原标题:Changing the Sweave driver from the command line


SUFFIXES: .tex .pdf .Rnw
MAIN = lecture
INCLUDES = chapter1.tex chapter2.tex ...

all: $(INCLUDES) $(MAIN).pdf

$(MAIN).pdf: $(INCLUDES) $(MAIN).tex

        R CMD Sweave $*.Rnw

        pdflatex $*.tex


Suppose I想要改变Sierave司机使用highlight Pack(say)。 这样做的最佳方式是什么?


You could do what we do for the Rcpp* packages. Here is RcppGSL:

RcppGSL.pdf: RcppGSL/RcppGSL.Rnw
    cp -f RcppGSL/RcppGSL.Rnw .
    $(RSCRIPT) --vanilla -e "require(highlight); 
                             driver <- HighlightWeaveLatex(boxes = TRUE); 
                             Sweave(  RcppGSL.Rnw , driver = driver ); "
    $(RSCRIPT) -e "tools::texi2dvi(  RcppGSL.tex , pdf = TRUE, clean = FALSE )"
    bibtex RcppGSL
    $(RSCRIPT) -e "tools::texi2dvi(  RcppGSL.tex , pdf = TRUE, clean = TRUE )"
    cp RcppGSL/RcppGSL-fake.Rnw RcppGSL.Rnw

This keeps the actual source and a fake variant in a subdirectory inst/doc/RcppGSL/ to trick R into recreating the pdf only when we want it too---otherwise it sees an Rnw and pdf of the same basename and is happy.

A little more convoluted than the basic Makefile you started with, but currently still the only way to switch to highlight that we know.



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