English 中文(简体)
原标题:What Exception to use to detect host/reciever has gone down/failed?

I have created a TCP server-client application in java which exchange periodic messages between them. As part of failure management, i need to detect the failure of either host/client and then call my custom function. Which exception in Java will catch just this part? Will SocketException work here? I want to call failure management only when host/client go down and not on any other issue.


You need to distinguish between the server going down (being shutdown, resulting in an IOException), the server not being available when you initiate a connection (ConnectException), and the server going offline (imagine a network cable being pulled out). This will usually manifest itself with a SocketTimeoutException or similar.

我将开展一个进程,并尝试你希望处理的所有情景。 你们不得不以不同的方式处理与明确脱节等不同的时间问题。



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