Here is a short example of how to get list views using Client object model in SharePoint 2010
Dim objmyList As SP.List = g_objCore.Security.Web.Lists.GetByTitle(“**Your List Name*”)
Dim objmyView As SP.View = objmyList.Views.GetByTitle(“*Your View Name*”)
Dim objViewFldColl As SP.ViewFieldCollection = objmyView.ViewFields
Now you can iterate through objViewFldColl to get the Fields in the View
我不知道如何获得这一客户目标模式。 我也不知道进口什么清单。 我选择了3个名称空间。
using Microsoft.Office.Server.ActivityFeed;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Audience.AdminUI;
using System.Windows.Documents;
I am trying to make this in a visual web part code behind. I am using C# and I literally have 5minutes of share point experience(sort of have to skip the 101 of sharepoint and do this little part of some project that I am now on temporary).