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动态发展 j 铁路运输工具3
原标题:Dynamically Generating jQuery script in Rails 3 application

我在申请时采用了j Query 写法。 我愿以动态方式生成微粒参数。 例如,人控制器的贴现价值需要在控制器的参数基础上产生。 问题在于该书的运用。 js是静态的,不能确定如何使守则的一个部分具有活力,即接受控制人的参数。 请允许我知道,是否有想法,我非常赞赏。

    url:  people/123456/pa.json ,
    datatype:  json ,
    height:  auto ,
    pager: false,
    viewrecords: true,
    colNames: [ id ,  indexno ,  site ,  effective ,  processed ,  code ,  action ,
                officer ,  remarks ],
    colModel: [
        {name:  id , index:  key , width:50, key:true, hidden:true},
        {name:  indexno , index:  indexno , width:50, hidden:true},
        {name:  site , index:  site , width:4, hidden:false},
        {name:  effective , index:  effective , width:7},
        {name:  processed , index:  processed , width:7},
        {name:  code , index:  code , width:5, resizable: false, sortable:false},
        {name:  action , index:  action , width:15},
        {name:  officer , index:  officer , width:10},
        {name:  remarks , index:  remarks , width:50},
    caption: "Personnel Actions",
    autowidth: true,
    //width: 180,
    rowNum: 20

部分称为“变数”。 haml:

  var user =  #{current_user.email} ;
  var paactions_url =  #{@paactions_url} ;


@paactions_url = paactions_url


= render :partial => "variables"


    url: paactions_url,
    datatype:  json ,
    height:  auto ,
    pager: false,
    viewrecords: true,
    colNames: [ id ,  indexno ,  site ,  effective ,  processed ,  code ,  action ,
                officer ,  remarks ],
    colModel: [
        {name:  id , index:  key , width:50, key:true, hidden:true},
        {name:  indexno , index:  indexno , width:50, hidden:true},
        {name:  site , index:  site , width:4, hidden:false},
        {name:  effective , index:  effective , width:7},
        {name:  processed , index:  processed , width:7},
        {name:  code , index:  code , width:5, resizable: false, sortable:false},
        {name:  action , index:  action , width:15},
        {name:  officer , index:  officer , width:10},
        {name:  remarks , index:  remarks , width:50},
    caption: "Personnel Actions",
    autowidth: true,
    //width: 180,
    rowNum: 20

或者将ham子转向er子,或您所用的任何排他性语言。 我也就你在座的 j子提出名字,但我不知道你的 j。


Add a meta tag to your layout which can contain the URL, the grab this as part of your script.

In the layout:

<meta name="person-url" content="/people/<%= @person.id %>/pa.json"/>



url: $("meta[name=person-url]").attr( content )


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