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原标题:can anyone help with a possible dynamic programming algorithm
  • 时间:2011-03-31 23:55:32
  •  标签:
  • algorithm

Let me first apologise for the crude manner in which I am about to phrase my question. I have been refered here by a member on another site who tells me that i am looking for a dynamic programming algorithm....my question is as follows.

I am trying to sort through some data and need to find a possible sequence in the numbers Both sets of data include the same numbers listed in different orders as in the example below.

54 47 33 58 46 38 48 37 56 52 61 25 ………………first set
54 52 33 61 38 58 37 25 48 56 47 46 ………………second set

In this example Reading from left to right the numbers 54 52 61 and 25 occur in both sets in the same order.
So other possible solutions would be…

54 52 61 25
54 33 58 46
54 33 46
54 33 38 48 56
54 48 56…. Etc.

Although this can be done by hand, I have tons of this to get through and I keep making mistakes. Does anyone know of an existing program or script that would output all of the possible solutions?

我理解了C++和虚拟基本方案的基本结构,并且应当能够把一些东西合在一起,但坦率地说,自Cx谱日以来,我没有做过任何严肃的方案,因此,我很容易听。 然而,我的主要问题不是方案语言本身,而是由于某种原因,我发现不可能按英文,更不用说其他语言,列出完成这项任务所需的步骤。



我撰写了该守则,它产生了最长的共同顺序。 该法令并不优化,但命令是O(n*m)n->阵列1大小、m->阵列2尺寸:

private void start() {
    int []a = {54, 47, 33, 58, 46, 38, 48, 37, 56, 52, 61, 25};
    int []b = {54, 52, 33, 61, 38, 58, 37, 25, 48, 56, 47, 46};


private String search(int[] a, int[] b)
    return search(a, b, 0, 0).toString();       

private Vector<Integer> search(int[] a, int[] b, int s1, int s2) {

    Vector<Vector<Integer>> v = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>(); 

    for ( int i = s1; i < a.length; i++ )
        int newS2 = find(b, a[i], s2);
        if ( newS2 != -1 )
            Vector<Integer> temp = new Vector<Integer>();
            Vector<Integer> others = search(a, b, i+1, newS2 + 1); 
            for ( int k = 0; k < others.size(); k++)
                temp.add( others.get(k));

    int maxSize = 0;
    Vector<Integer> ret = new Vector<Integer>();
    for ( int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
        if ( v.get(i).size() > maxSize )
            maxSize = v.get(i).size(); 
            ret = v.get(i);

    return ret;

private int find(int[] b, int elemToFind, int s2) {
    for ( int j = s2; j < b.length; j++)
        if ( b[j] == elemToFind)
            return j;
    return -1;

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