English 中文(简体)
原标题:What s the output of this code and why?


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
        printf("Hello world
"); // \
        printf("What s the meaning of this?");
        return 0;

The backslash at the end of the 4th line is escaping the following new line so that they become one continuous line. And because we can see the // beginning a comment, the 5th line is commented out.


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
        printf("Hello world
"); // printf("What s the meaning of this?");
        return 0;


<><>Edit>: 正如Erik和Pmg两人都说过的那样,在C99而不是C89就是如此。 信贷到期的信贷。

在翻译的第二阶段(ISO/IEC 9899:1999 §

Each instance of a backslash character () immediately followed by a new-line character is deleted, splicing physical source lines to form logical source lines.


It s "Hello world ". Didn t you try? Line continuation (and e.g trigraphs) are well documented, look it up. A syntax highlighting editor (e.g. Visual Studio with VA X) will make this obvious.

注:这一工程在C99和C++-not进行。 C89

拖拉的后.导致下线延伸到下线,以压倒下,即使它含有一部分评论。 这几乎永远是无意的(除非它带有蓄意的混淆,否则就会造成ug,除非下行完全是白人空间或评论本身。

This happens because line-splicing occurs in translation phase 2, while removing comments happens in phase 3.


  • GCC 4.5.1 (MinGW)

    C:	emp	est.c:4:34: warning: multi-line comment
  • MSVC 9 (VS 2008) or 10 (VS 2010):

    C:	emp	est.c(5) : warning C4010: single-line comment contains line-continuation character

C: emp est.c:4:34: 警告:多线评论

C: emp est.c(5) : warning C4010: single-line comment contains line-continuation character

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